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时间: 2024-09-17 13:47:55


1. 我们在学校里相熟了很多年。

We have known each other for many years at school.

2. 我们相熟的邻居常常来我家串门。

Our familiar neighbor often comes to my house for a visit.

3. 他们是相熟的老朋友,所以很熟悉彼此。

They are familiar old friends, so they are very familiar with each other.

4. 我们相熟的同事在公司里一起工作了好几年。

Our familiar colleagues have been working together in the company for several years.

5. 这个城市很小,所以大家都相熟。

This city is small, so everyone is familiar with each other.

6. 她对这个话题非常相熟,因为她在这方面有很多经验。

She is very familiar with this topic because she has a lot of experience in this area.

7. 我们相熟的朋友之间有很多共同的兴趣爱好。

Our familiar friends have a lot of common interests.

8. 我们相熟的家庭经常一起度假。

Our familiar families often go on vacation together.

9. 他们是相熟的同学,一起上学了十年。

They are familiar classmates and have been in school together for ten years.

10. 我们相熟的商业伙伴合作了很长时间。

Our familiar business partners have been working together for a long time.

11. 这个地方对我来说很相熟,因为我经常来这里。

This place is very familiar to me because I come here often.

12. 我们相熟的亲戚正在举办一场家庭聚会。

Our familiar relatives are hosting a family gathering.

13. 他们之间有着相熟的默契。

They have a familiar understanding between them.

14. 我们相熟的团队成员都非常信任彼此。

Our familiar team members all trust each other very much.

15. 我们相熟的邻居互相帮助。

Our familiar neighbors help each other.

16. 他们是相熟的竞争对手,在行业里有着很深的交情。

They are familiar competitors and have a deep relationship in the industry.

17. 我们相熟的同事一直都很支持我。

Our familiar colleagues have always been very supportive of me.

18. 我们相熟的老师对我们的学习非常关心。

Our familiar teacher is very concerned about our studies.

19. 我们相熟的合作伙伴一直都很可靠。

Our familiar business partners have always been very reliable.

20. 我们相熟的朋友在我生病的时候帮了我很多忙。

Our familiar friends helped me a lot when I was sick.

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