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时间: 2024-09-17 13:47:53


1. 我喜欢吃零食,尤其是薯片和巧克力。

I love snacking, especially on chips and chocolate.

2. 孩子们喜欢在电视时间吃零食。

The kids like to snack during TV time.

3. 我把一些健康的零食放在办公室里,以便随时享用。

I keep some healthy snacks in the office for easy access.

4. 她总是喜欢吃一些甜食作为零食。

She always likes to have something sweet as a snack.

5. 我的零食袋里装满了各种各样的小吃。

My snack bag is filled with all kinds of treats.

6. 老板让我们在会议室里吃零食,以解决我们的饥饿问题。

The boss let us have snacks in the meeting room to solve our hunger problem.

7. 她在课间休息的时候喜欢吃一些水果作为零食。

She likes to have some fruit as a snack during break time.

8. 我们在旅行中总是带着一些零食,以备不时之需。

We always bring some snacks with us when we travel, just in case.

9. 这家超市有各种各样的零食可供选择。

This supermarket has a variety of snacks to choose from.

10. 我们在看电影的时候喜欢吃一些爆米花作为零食。

We like to have some popcorn as a snack when watching a movie.

11. 他在办公室里的抽屉里藏了一些零食,以备不时之需。

He keeps some snacks hidden in his desk drawer for emergencies.

12. 我们在郊游中带了一些坚果和干果作为零食。

We brought some nuts and dried fruits as snacks for the outing.

13. 她总是在午饭后吃一些零食来解馋。

She always has some snacks after lunch to satisfy her cravings.

14. 我爱吃零食,但我知道要控制自己的食量。

I love snacking, but I know I need to control my portion size.

15. 这家咖啡店有一些健康的零食供应。

This coffee shop has some healthy snacks available.

16. 我的办公室抽屉里放满了各种各样的零食。

My office drawer is full of all kinds of snacks.

17. 他总是在上课的时候偷偷吃一些零食。

He always sneaks in some snacks during class.

18. 我们在野餐中带了一些小吃作为零食。

We brought some finger foods as snacks for the picnic.

19. 在晚会上,他们提供了各种各样的零食供应。

At the party, they provided a variety of snacks.

20. 我们乘坐飞机的时候,空姐会提供一些零食。

The flight attendants provide some snacks when we travel by plane.


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