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时间: 2024-09-19 11:48:58


1. 这颗树似乎是无根的,它是如何生长的呢?(This tree seems to be rootless, how does it grow?)

2. 这种植物可以在无土的条件下生长,因为它是无根的。(This plant can grow without soil because it is rootless.)

3. 这个人似乎是无根的,他不属于任何一个社区。(This person seems to be rootless, he doesn't belong to any community.)

4. 这个问题的解决方案应该是无根的,因为它影响了整个系统。(The solution to this problem should be rootless because it affects the whole system.)

5. 这些植物是无根的,它们可以在水中生长。(These plants are rootless and can grow in water.)

6. 我们需要找到无根的原因,才能解决这个问题。(We need to find the rootless cause to solve this problem.)

7. 这个项目的成功需要一种无根的方法,以便更好地适应变化。(The success of this project requires a rootless approach to better adapt to changes.)

8. 这个人的行为似乎是无根的,他没有任何明显的动机。(This person's behavior seems to be rootless, he has no apparent motivation.)

9. 这个组织的问题是无根的,它需要进行彻底的改革。(The problem with this organization is rootless and it needs a thorough reform.)

10. 这个城市似乎是无根的,它缺乏文化和历史。(This city seems to be rootless, it lacks culture and history.)

11. 这个方案需要一种无根的方法,以便更好地适应市场变化。(This plan requires a rootless approach to better adapt to market changes.)

12. 这个人的思想似乎是无根的,他没有任何信仰或价值观。(This person's thinking seems to be rootless, he has no faith or values.)

13. 这个组织需要重新定义自己,以摆脱无根的状态。(This organization needs to redefine itself to get rid of its rootless state.)

14. 这个地区的文化似乎是无根的,它缺乏传统和历史。(The culture of this region seems to be rootless, it lacks tradition and history.)

15. 这个计划需要一种无根的方法,以便更好地适应技术变革。(This plan requires a rootless approach to better adapt to technological changes.)

16. 这个人的身份似乎是无根的,他不知道自己属于哪里。(This person's identity seems to be rootless, he doesn't know where he belongs.)

17. 这个组织的价值观似乎是无根的,它缺乏明确的目标和信念。(The values of this organization seem to be rootless, it lacks clear goals and beliefs.)

18. 这个地区的经济似乎是无根的,它缺乏稳定的产业和资源。(The economy of this region seems to be rootless, it lacks stable industries and resources.)

19. 这个项目需要一种无根的方法,以便更好地适应政治变化。(This project requires a rootless approach to better adapt to political changes.)

20. 这个人的行为模式似乎是无根的,他没有任何规律可循。(This person's behavior pattern seems to be rootless, he has no discernible pattern.)

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