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时间: 2024-09-20 06:01:40


1. 我们需要购买一些新的家俱。We need to buy some new furniture.

2. 这个房间里的家俱很旧了。The furniture in this room is very old.

3. 我们的家俱都是定制的。Our furniture is all custom-made.

4. 这张沙发非常舒适。This couch is very comfortable.

5. 我们需要一张餐桌和几把椅子。We need a dining table and some chairs.

6. 这个书架可以容纳很多书。This bookshelf can hold a lot of books.

7. 我们的床很大,可以容纳两个人。Our bed is large enough for two people.

8. 这个电视柜很漂亮,也很实用。This TV stand is both beautiful and practical.

9. 这个咖啡桌的设计非常独特。The design of this coffee table is very unique.

10. 这个衣柜有很多储物空间。This wardrobe has a lot of storage space.

11. 我们的书房里有一个非常舒适的椅子。We have a very comfortable chair in our study.

12. 这个鞋柜可以让你的鞋子整齐有序。This shoe rack can keep your shoes organized.

13. 我们的客厅里有一个很大的沙发。We have a very large couch in our living room.

14. 这个餐桌的设计非常简约。The design of this dining table is very minimalist.

15. 这个梳妆台有一个大镜子和几个抽屉。This vanity has a large mirror and several drawers.

16. 我们的书房里有一个很大的书桌。We have a very large desk in our study.

17. 这个椅子的靠背可以调节。The backrest of this chair can be adjusted.

18. 这个茶几有一个很漂亮的玻璃面板。This coffee table has a very beautiful glass top.

19. 我们的客厅里有一个很大的电视柜。We have a very large TV stand in our living room.

20. 这个衣架可以挂很多衣服。This coat rack can hold a lot of clothes.

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