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时间: 2024-09-19 11:45:46


1. 我的祖母在中风后昏死了。My grandmother passed out after having a stroke.

2. 他在剧烈运动后昏死了。He collapsed after intense exercise.

3. 她被晕倒在地上的男人吓得昏死过去了。She fainted in terror at the sight of the man lying on the ground.

4. 他的脑部受伤后昏死了好几个小时。He was unconscious for several hours after his head injury.

5. 她的婚礼令她感到如此的兴奋,以至于她在仪式结束后昏死了。She was so excited about her wedding that she passed out after the ceremony.

6. 他的心脏病发作后,他昏死了。He collapsed after a heart attack.

7. 那个人在看到血液时昏死了。The person fainted at the sight of blood.

8. 她因为缺氧而昏死了。She passed out due to lack of oxygen.

9. 他在热天里过度劳累后昏死了。He collapsed after overexerting himself on a hot day.

10. 她因为情绪激动过度而昏死了。She fainted due to excessive emotional excitement.

11. 他在高山上呼吸困难后昏死了。He passed out after experiencing difficulty breathing at high altitude.

12. 她因为低血糖而昏死了。She fainted due to low blood sugar.

13. 他在听到坏消息后昏死了。He collapsed after hearing bad news.

14. 她在看到恶心的画面后昏死了。She fainted after seeing a nauseating image.

15. 他在运动时突然停止呼吸后昏死了。He passed out after suddenly stopping breathing during exercise.

16. 她因为贫血而昏死了。She fainted due to anemia.

17. 他在饥饿和疲劳的情况下昏死了。He passed out due to hunger and fatigue.

18. 她因为恶心和呕吐而昏死了。She fainted due to nausea and vomiting.

19. 他在醉酒后昏死了。He passed out after drinking too much alcohol.

20. 她因为惊吓而昏死了。She fainted due to shock.

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