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时间: 2024-09-20 11:54:57


1. 她的维生工作是在医院里照顾病人。

Her livelihood is to take care of patients in the hospital.

2. 他通过维生来养活自己和家人。

He makes a living by working.

3. 维生是他唯一的收入来源。

Livelihood is his only source of income.

4. 她努力工作以维持生计。

She works hard to make ends meet.

5. 他的维生方式是通过做义工来换取食物和住所。

His way of making a living is by volunteering in exchange for food and shelter.

6. 她的维生技能包括烹饪和清洁。

Her livelihood skills include cooking and cleaning.

7. 他的维生来源于农业劳动。

His livelihood comes from agricultural labor.

8. 她在城市里找到了一份维生的工作。

She found a livelihood job in the city.

9. 他的维生方式是通过销售艺术品。

His way of making a living is by selling artwork.

10. 她以编织为生。

She makes a living by weaving.

11. 维生对于那些生活在贫困中的人们来说是一种挑战。

Livelihood is a challenge for those living in poverty.

12. 他的维生取决于天气和土地的肥沃程度。

His livelihood depends on the weather and the fertility of the land.

13. 她的维生工作需要每天早出晚归。

Her livelihood job requires early starts and late finishes every day.

14. 他的维生方式是通过捕鱼和狩猎。

His way of making a living is by fishing and hunting.

15. 她的维生技能包括缝纫和织布。

Her livelihood skills include sewing and weaving.

16. 他的维生来源于家庭农场的经营。

His livelihood comes from running a family farm.

17. 她的维生方式是通过在街头卖艺。

Her way of making a living is by selling art on the streets.

18. 维生对于失业的人来说是一个挑战。

Livelihood is a challenge for the unemployed.

19. 他的维生工作是在工厂里做体力劳动。

His livelihood job is doing manual labor in a factory.

20. 她的维生取决于她的商业技能和创造力。

Her livelihood depends on her business skills and creativity.

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