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时间: 2024-09-20 07:30:49


1. 她是一个娇娘,总是喜欢打扮得漂漂亮亮的。

She is a delicate girl, always likes to dress up beautifully.

2. 这位娇娘的举止温柔娴静,给人一种非常和善的感觉。

The delicate girl's demeanor is gentle and quiet, giving people a very friendly feeling.

3. 她是个娇娘,从小就被父母宠爱得不行。

She is a delicate girl, spoiled by her parents since childhood.

4. 这位娇娘总是喜欢穿粉色的衣服,看起来非常可爱。

This delicate girl always likes to wear pink clothes, looking very cute.

5. 她是那种娇娘,连风一吹就会感冒。

She is the kind of delicate girl who catches a cold with just a little wind.

6. 娇娘们总是喜欢花钱买漂亮的衣服和首饰。

Delicate girls always like to spend money on beautiful clothes and jewelry.

7. 她是个娇娘,连一点小挫折都受不了。

She is a delicate girl, can't stand even a little setback.

8. 娇娘们往往容易受到伤害,需要更多的关爱和呵护。

Delicate girls are often easily hurt and need more love and care.

9. 娇娘们的皮肤总是特别白嫩,看起来非常有质感。

Delicate girls always have particularly fair and tender skin, looking very textured.

10. 娇娘们常常会被人误解为娇气,其实她们也有坚强的一面。

Delicate girls are often misunderstood as delicate, but they also have a strong side.

11. 她是个娇娘,连一点点小事都会让她烦恼不已。

She is a delicate girl, even a little thing will make her very upset.

12. 娇娘们总是需要别人的关心和照顾,因为她们太脆弱了。

Delicate girls always need the care and attention of others, because they are too fragile.

13. 她是那种娇娘,连一点点紧张都会脸红心跳。

She is the kind of delicate girl who blushes and heartbeats even a little nervous.

14. 娇娘们总是喜欢吃一些清淡的食物,不太能吃辣的。

Delicate girls always like to eat some light food, not too spicy.

15. 她是个娇娘,总是喜欢依赖别人。

She is a delicate girl, always likes to rely on others.

16. 娇娘们的笑容总是那么温柔娇媚,让人心生怜爱。

Delicate girls' smiles are always so gentle and charming, making people feel pity.

17. 她是那种娇娘,连一点点委屈都会哭得稀里哗啦。

She is the kind of delicate girl who cries a lot even a little grievance.

18. 娇娘们总是喜欢穿一些蕾丝和花边的衣服,看起来更加娇柔可爱。

Delicate girls always like to wear some lace and lace clothes, looking more delicate and cute.

19. 她是个娇娘,总是喜欢被人疼爱。

She is a delicate girl, always likes to be loved by others.

20. 娇娘们的性格往往比较细腻敏感,需要更多的理解和体谅。

Delicate girls' personalities are often more delicate and sensitive, needing more understanding and tolerance.

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