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时间: 2024-09-20 12:01:48


1. 这个地区正在经历政治动荡。

The region is experiencing political turmoil.

2. 经济动荡导致了通货膨胀。

Economic turmoil has led to inflation.

3. 这个国家的社会动荡已经持续了很长时间。

The country has been in social upheaval for a long time.

4. 这场战争给这个国家带来了长期的政治动荡。

The war has brought long-term political instability to the country.

5. 他的突然离职引发了公司的动荡。

His sudden resignation caused turmoil in the company.

6. 这个城市的动荡使得居民生活困难。

The turmoil in the city has made life difficult for residents.

7. 这个国家的政治动荡导致了人们的不安和不确定感。

The political turmoil in the country has led to people feeling unsettled and uncertain.

8. 社会动荡对经济产生了负面影响。

Social upheaval has had a negative impact on the economy.

9. 这个地区的动荡使得外国投资者望而却步。

The turmoil in the region has deterred foreign investors.

10. 这次选举引发了国家的政治动荡。

The election sparked political turmoil in the country.

11. 部落之间的冲突导致了社会的动荡。

Tribal conflicts have led to social turmoil.

12. 这场灾难给这个城市带来了巨大的动荡。

The disaster brought great turmoil to the city.

13. 这个国家的经济动荡导致了失业率的上升。

The economic turmoil in the country has led to an increase in unemployment.

14. 他的辞职引发了公司的内部动荡。

His resignation caused internal turmoil in the company.

15. 这个地区的动荡使得人们生活在恐惧中。

The turmoil in the region has left people living in fear.

16. 这个城市的动荡使得人们不敢外出。

The turmoil in the city has made people afraid to go out.

17. 这个国家的政治动荡导致了社会的分裂。

The political turmoil in the country has led to social division.

18. 这场战争给这个地区带来了长期的动荡。

The war has brought long-term turmoil to the region.

19. 社会动荡使得人们对未来感到不安。

Social upheaval has made people feel uneasy about the future.

20. 这个国家的动荡使得外国游客不愿前往。

The turmoil in the country has deterred foreign tourists.

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