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时间: 2024-09-20 07:26:37


1. 这片土地上种满了桑树。

The land is full of mulberry trees.

2. 桑树的叶子是蚕丝的主要食物来源。

Mulberry leaves are the primary food source for silkworms.

3. 春天,桑树的嫩叶吸引了许多蝴蝶。

In spring, the tender leaves of the mulberry tree attract many butterflies.

4. 我们家后院有一棵老桑树。

There is an old mulberry tree in our backyard.

5. 桑树的果实可以用来酿酒。

The fruit of the mulberry tree can be used to make wine.

6. 桑树在中国被种植用来养蚕。

Mulberry trees are planted in China for silkworm cultivation.

7. 桑树的根系很深。

The roots of the mulberry tree go deep.

8. 这片土地上的桑树已经种植了几十年。

The mulberry trees on this land have been planted for decades.

9. 我们在桑树下搭起了一把遮阳伞。

We set up a sunshade umbrella under the mulberry tree.

10. 这条小路两旁都是茂密的桑树。

The small road is lined with dense mulberry trees.

11. 桑树的果实可以用来制作果酱。

The fruit of the mulberry tree can be used to make jam.

12. 桑树的树皮可以用来制作草药。

The bark of the mulberry tree can be used to make herbal medicine.

13. 他在桑树下搭起了一间凉亭。

He built a pavilion under the mulberry tree.

14. 桑树的树枝上结满了紫红色的果实。

The branches of the mulberry tree are filled with purple fruits.

15. 桑树的叶子可以用来喂养兔子。

The leaves of the mulberry tree can be used to feed rabbits.

16. 桑树的树干很粗。

The trunk of the mulberry tree is very thick.

17. 桑树的树叶可以用来泡茶。

The leaves of the mulberry tree can be used to make tea.

18. 这个小村庄周围是一片桑树林。

The small village is surrounded by a mulberry forest.

19. 桑树的树枝可以用来编篮子。

The branches of the mulberry tree can be used to weave baskets.

20. 桑树的果实可以用来制作甜点。

The fruit of the mulberry tree can be used to make desserts.

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