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时间: 2024-09-20 12:05:35


1. 她用刷子刷洗了地板。- She scrubbed the floor with a brush.

2. 刷子的毛发很硬。- The bristles of the brush were very stiff.

3. 我需要一把刷子来涂油漆。- I need a brush to paint with.

4. 他用刷子刷牙。- He brushed his teeth with a toothbrush.

5. 刷子的柄子很长,方便使用。- The brush had a long handle, which made it easy to use.

6. 他用刷子清洁了马桶。- He used a brush to clean the toilet.

7. 她用刷子把头发梳理得很漂亮。- She brushed her hair until it looked very nice.

8. 他用刷子擦掉了墙上的污渍。- He used a brush to scrub the stains off the wall.

9. 刷子的毛发掉落了一些。- The bristles of the brush were shedding.

10. 这把刷子太硬了,不能用来刷玻璃。- This brush is too stiff to be used for cleaning windows.

11. 她用刷子把油漆涂在墙上。- She used a brush to apply paint to the wall.

12. 他用刷子清理了花园里的树叶。- He used a brush to clear the leaves from the garden.

13. 这个画家总是用同一把刷子作画。- This painter always uses the same brush for his artwork.

14. 我需要一把软毛刷子来擦拭电子设备。- I need a soft-bristled brush to clean my electronic devices.

15. 这把刷子特别适合用来刷毛衣。- This brush is particularly good for brushing sweaters.

16. 她用刷子给自己化妆。- She used a brush to apply her makeup.

17. 这个雕刻家用刷子和刀子雕刻了他的作品。- This sculptor used brushes and knives to carve his artwork.

18. 我们需要一些刷子来清理这个地方。- We need some brushes to clean up this area.

19. 这个画家的刷子非常昂贵。- This painter's brushes are very expensive.

20. 我觉得这把刷子太小了,不适合我使用。- I think this brush is too small for me to use.

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