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时间: 2024-09-20 07:23:31


1. 我们去苗族村落体验苗族文化。

We went to the Miao village to experience Miao culture.

2. 苗族人以唱歌跳舞为乐。

Miao people enjoy singing and dancing.

3. 苗族服饰非常精美,色彩鲜艳。

Miao costumes are very exquisite and colorful.

4. 苗族传统节日有苗年、龙船节等。

Miao traditional festivals include Miao New Year and Dragon Boat Festival.

5. 苗族人信仰“花山大妈”神灵。

Miao people believe in the goddess "Huashan Dama".

6. 苗族织锦技艺举世闻名。

Miao brocade weaving skills are world-renowned.

7. 苗族民居建筑风格独特。

Miao residential architecture has a unique style.

8. 苗族人喜欢吃酸辣口味的食物。

Miao people like to eat sour and spicy food.

9. 苗族歌舞表演非常精彩。

Miao song and dance performances are very exciting.

10. 苗族人善于制作银饰品。

Miao people are good at making silver jewelry.

11. 苗族人喜欢用竹子制作各种工艺品。

Miao people like to use bamboo to make various handicrafts.

12. 苗族传统习俗讲究节约、勤劳、勇敢。

Miao traditional customs emphasize thrift, hard work, and bravery.

13. 苗族人的民间故事很有趣。

Miao folk stories are very interesting.

14. 苗族人有着悠久的历史和文化传统。

Miao people have a long history and cultural traditions.

15. 苗族语是一种汉藏语系的语言。

Miao language is a language of the Sino-Tibetan language family.

16. 苗族人喜欢在节日里穿戴华丽的服饰。

Miao people like to dress up in gorgeous costumes during festivals.

17. 苗族人喜欢用锣鼓、笛子等乐器表演音乐。

Miao people like to perform music with instruments such as gongs, drums, and flutes.

18. 苗族人的宗教信仰是深厚的。

Miao people have a deep religious belief.

19. 苗族人传统的婚礼仪式很隆重。

Miao traditional wedding ceremonies are very grand.

20. 苗族人喜欢用红色和蓝色来装饰房屋和服饰。

Miao people like to decorate their houses and costumes with red and blue colors.

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