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时间: 2024-09-20 10:10:53


1. 泪水淌下,我无法控制自己的情绪。

Tears streamed down my face and I couldn't control my emotions.

2. 血液从伤口淌下,我赶紧给他包扎。

Blood was flowing from the wound, so I quickly bandaged it for him.

3. 雨水淌下,淋湿了我的衣服。

The rain poured down and soaked my clothes.

4. 汗水淌下,我感到身体疲惫。

Sweat trickled down my body, and I felt exhausted.

5. 水从山上淌下,流入小溪。

Water trickled down from the mountain and flowed into the stream.

6. 泪水淌下的她,显得非常伤心。

She looked very sad with tears streaming down her face.

7. 蜡烛融化了,蜡油淌下来。

The candle melted, and the wax dripped down.

8. 酒杯里的酒慢慢地淌下来。

The wine slowly trickled down the glass.

9. 他的眼泪淌下来,表现出内心的痛苦。

His tears flowed down, showing his inner pain.

10. 汗水淌下,他感到疲惫不堪。

Sweat trickled down, and he felt exhausted.

11. 水从管道中淌下,形成了一滩水洼。

Water trickled down from the pipe, forming a puddle.

12. 雪花淌下,覆盖了整个小镇。

Snowflakes fell and covered the entire town.

13. 泪水淌下的脸庞,让人心疼。

The tears streaming down her face made people feel sorry for her.

14. 水从瀑布上淌下,形成了美丽的瀑布。

Water cascaded down from the waterfall, forming a beautiful cascade.

15. 他的汗水淌下来,表现出他的努力。

His sweat trickled down, showing his effort.

16. 雨水淌下,湿透了我的衣服。

The rain poured down and soaked my clothes.

17. 血液从伤口淌下,流到了地板上。

Blood flowed from the wound and dripped onto the floor.

18. 汗水淌下,他感到非常疲惫。

Sweat trickled down, and he felt very exhausted.

19. 热泪淌下,我无法控制自己的悲伤。

Hot tears streamed down, and I couldn't control my sadness.

20. 雪花淌下,覆盖了整个城市。

Snowflakes fell and covered the entire city.

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