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时间: 2024-09-20 10:27:56


1. 他修为精深,深得师傅赞赏。

His cultivation is profound, and he is highly praised by his master.

2. 她修为不浅,已经可以独立掌控一门功夫。

Her cultivation is not shallow, and she can already independently control a martial art.

3. 修为高深的武者可以运用内力化解敌人的攻击。

Martial artists with advanced cultivation can use internal energy to neutralize enemy attacks.

4. 修为浅薄的人很容易被外界的诱惑所影响。

People with shallow cultivation are easily influenced by external temptations.

5. 他的修为已经达到了炉火纯青的境界。

His cultivation has reached the realm of perfection.

6. 这位大师的修为已经超越了常人的认知。

The master's cultivation has surpassed the understanding of ordinary people.

7. 修为不足的学员需要更加努力地练习。

Students with insufficient cultivation need to practice harder.

8. 他的修为虽然不高,但是勤奋的精神让他不断进步。

Although his cultivation is not high, his diligent spirit allows him to continually improve.

9. 这位武者的修为已经达到了登峰造极的地步。

The martial artist's cultivation has reached the pinnacle.

10. 修为是武者的根基,决定了他们的实力。

Cultivation is the foundation of martial artists, determining their strength.

11. 他的修为虽然不算高,但是在实战中依然能够取得胜利。

Although his cultivation is not high, he can still achieve victory in actual combat.

12. 修为的提升需要长期的坚持和不懈的努力。

Cultivation improvement requires long-term persistence and unremitting efforts.

13. 他的修为在短时间内有了显著的提升。

His cultivation has significantly improved in a short period of time.

14. 她的修为已经超越了师傅的预期。

Her cultivation has surpassed the master's expectations.

15. 修为的积累需要源源不断的精力和耐心。

The accumulation of cultivation requires a continuous supply of energy and patience.

16. 他在修为上的进步引起了同门的关注。

His progress in cultivation has attracted the attention of his peers.

17. 修为的差距导致了两位武者之间的战斗结果。

The gap in cultivation resulted in the outcome of the battle between the two martial artists.

18. 他的修为虽然不够高,但是却有着出色的战斗技巧。

Although his cultivation is not high enough, he has excellent combat skills.

19. 修为的提升需要不断地挑战自己的极限。

The improvement of cultivation requires constantly challenging one's own limits.

20. 他的修为在战斗中得到了充分的展现。

His cultivation was fully demonstrated in the battle.

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