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时间: 2024-09-20 08:28:08


1. 他站在山顶上,望看着远处的风景。

He stood on the top of the mountain, looking into the distance.

2. 她望看着窗外的雨水,心情有些落寞。

She gazed at the rain outside the window, feeling a little lonely.

3. 我望看着星空,感叹宇宙的神奇。

I gazed at the stars, marveling at the wonder of the universe.

4. 他望看着她,心中涌起一股温暖的感觉。

He looked at her, feeling a warm sensation in his heart.

5. 在傍晚时分,他望看着夕阳西下的美景。

In the evening, he looked at the beautiful sunset.

6. 她望看着书中的插图,陶醉在故事里。

She looked at the illustrations in the book, lost in the story.

7. 他望看着远方,思索着未来的路该如何走。

He looked into the distance, pondering the path to the future.

8. 她望看着海面上的帆船,心情愉悦。

She watched the sailboats on the sea, feeling joyful.

9. 我们站在高处,望看着整个城市的壮丽景色。

We stood at a high point, looking at the magnificent view of the entire city.

10. 他望看着窗外的风景,心情愉悦。

He looked at the scenery outside the window, feeling joyful.

11. 他望看着远方的山峦,心中充满了向往。

He looked at the distant mountains, filled with longing in his heart.

12. 她望看着他,眼中闪烁着深深的爱意。

She looked at him, her eyes shimmering with deep affection.

13. 他望看着天空中的彩虹,感叹大自然的美丽。

He looked at the rainbow in the sky, marveling at the beauty of nature.

14. 她望看着窗外的雪景,心中充满了温暖和喜悦。

She looked at the snowy scenery outside the window, feeling warm and joyful.

15. 他望看着远方,思考着人生的意义。

He looked into the distance, pondering the meaning of life.

16. 她望看着湖面上的倒影,心情宁静而美好。

She looked at the reflection on the lake, feeling peaceful and beautiful.

17. 他望看着远方的大海,感叹着它的浩瀚和神秘。

He looked at the distant sea, marveling at its vastness and mystery.

18. 她望看着窗外的夜色,感受着宁静的氛围。

She looked at the night outside the window, feeling the peaceful atmosphere.

19. 他望看着星空,思考着宇宙的奥秘。

He looked at the stars, contemplating the mysteries of the universe.

20. 她望看着他,眼中充满了信任和依赖。

She looked at him, her eyes filled with trust and dependence.

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