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时间: 2024-10-05 20:40:20


1. 敦煌莫高窟是中国著名的艺术宝库。

The Mogao Grottoes in Dunhuang is a famous treasure trove of art in China.

2. 敦煌是丝绸之路上的重要驿站。

Dunhuang is an important stop on the Silk Road.

3. 敦煌壁画展现了古代中国的繁荣文化。

The Dunhuang murals depict the prosperous culture of ancient China.

4. 敦煌莫高窟被誉为世界上最大的佛教艺术宝库之一。

The Mogao Grottoes in Dunhuang is hailed as one of the largest Buddhist art treasure troves in the world.

5. 敦煌的沙漠风光吸引了许多游客前来观光。

The desert landscapes of Dunhuang attract many tourists to come for sightseeing.

6. 敦煌的历史文化遗产深深吸引着我。

The historical and cultural heritage of Dunhuang deeply attracts me.

7. 敦煌的风沙造就了独特的自然景观。

The wind and sand of Dunhuang have created unique natural landscapes.

8. 敦煌是中国西部重要的文化名城之一。

Dunhuang is one of the important cultural cities in western China.

9. 敦煌的壁画是中国古代艺术的杰作。

The murals in Dunhuang are masterpieces of ancient Chinese art.

10. 敦煌的音乐舞蹈表演吸引了许多游客。

The music and dance performances in Dunhuang attract many tourists.

11. 敦煌的文化遗产为世界所瞩目。

The cultural heritage of Dunhuang is admired by the world.

12. 敦煌的壁画反映了古代中国的宗教信仰和生活场景。

The murals in Dunhuang reflect the religious beliefs and life scenes of ancient China.

13. 敦煌的风景如画,让人流连忘返。

The picturesque scenery of Dunhuang makes people linger and forget to leave.

14. 敦煌的文化底蕴深厚,令人敬佩。

The profound cultural heritage of Dunhuang is admirable.

15. 敦煌的历史古迹吸引了众多学者和艺术家。

The historical sites of Dunhuang attract many scholars and artists.

16. 敦煌的沙漠风光在夕阳下格外美丽。

The desert landscapes of Dunhuang are particularly beautiful in the sunset.

17. 敦煌的壁画被誉为中国艺术宝库中的明珠。

The murals in Dunhuang are hailed as pearls in the treasure trove of Chinese art.

18. 敦煌的文化资源丰富,吸引了不少投资者前来开发。

The rich cultural resources of Dunhuang attract many investors to come for development.

19. 敦煌是中国重要的旅游胜地之一。

Dunhuang is one of the important tourist destinations in China.

20. 敦煌的历史和文化吸引了无数游客的目光。

The history and culture of Dunhuang attract the attention of countless tourists.

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