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时间: 2024-09-20 08:19:30


1. 她每天都花很多时间在化妆和打扮上,她真是太爱美了。

She spends a lot of time on makeup and dressing up every day, she is really obsessed with beauty.

2. 她总是喜欢购买各种美容产品,可见她对爱美的追求非常执着。

She always likes to buy various beauty products, which shows her strong pursuit of beauty.

3. 她的穿搭总是那么讲究,她对自己的外表真的很重视。

Her outfits are always so exquisite, she really values her appearance.

4. 她每周都去美容院做护理,她是一个非常注重自己外表的人。

She goes to the beauty salon for treatments every week, she is a person who pays great attention to her appearance.

5. 她的化妆技巧真的很好,看起来总是那么漂亮。

Her makeup skills are really good, she always looks so beautiful.

6. 她对时尚非常有品味,总是穿得很时髦。

She has a great taste in fashion and always dresses very stylishly.

7. 她的美容观念很先进,总是追求最新的美容技术。

Her beauty concept is very advanced, always pursuing the latest beauty technology.

8. 她的皮肤养护非常细致,所以看起来总是那么光滑。

Her skin care is very meticulous, so she always looks so smooth.

9. 她总是关注自己的体重和身材,对塑身非常上心。

She always pays attention to her weight and figure, and is very dedicated to shaping her body.

10. 她总是喜欢尝试各种时尚发型,看起来总是那么有活力。

She always likes to try various trendy hairstyles, she always looks so energetic.

11. 她的指甲总是修剪得很整齐,她对美甲非常讲究。

Her nails are always neatly trimmed, she pays great attention to her manicure.

12. 她每天都做各种保养护理,她对自己的容颜非常上心。

She does various maintenance care every day, she is very dedicated to her appearance.

13. 她总是喜欢尝试各种新的化妆品,追求更完美的妆容。

She always likes to try new makeup products, pursuing a more perfect makeup look.

14. 她总是喜欢购买各种美容仪器,对自己的皮肤非常上心。

She always likes to buy various beauty devices, she pays great attention to her skin.

15. 她对自己的穿搭总是那么有自信,她真的很有时尚品味。

She is always so confident in her outfits, she really has a great taste in fashion.

16. 她总是喜欢尝试各种新的美容疗程,对自己的容颜非常上心。

She always likes to try new beauty treatments, she is very dedicated to her appearance.

17. 她总是喜欢关注各种美容资讯,追求更完美的外表。

She always likes to pay attention to various beauty information, pursuing a more perfect appearance.

18. 她总是喜欢关注自己的饮食和运动,对自己的身材非常上心。

She always likes to pay attention to her diet and exercise, she is very dedicated to her figure.

19. 她总是喜欢尝试各种新的美甲款式,对自己的指甲非常讲究。

She always likes to try new nail styles, she pays great attention to her nails.

20. 她总是喜欢购买各种时髦的服饰,对自己的穿搭非常上心。

She always likes to buy various stylish clothes, she pays great attention to her outfits.

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