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时间: 2024-09-20 10:01:47


1. 我每天早晨都会去公园散步。

I go for a walk in the park every morning.

2. 走路是一种很好的锻炼方式。

Walking is a great form of exercise.

3. 我喜欢在周末和朋友一起去郊游。

I like to go hiking with my friends on the weekends.

4. 我们一起漫步在海滩上,感觉很放松。

We strolled together on the beach and felt very relaxed.

5. 她在街上散步,享受着阳光和微风。

She was walking down the street, enjoying the sunshine and breeze.

6. 我们决定去环城步行。

We decided to take a walk around the city.

7. 他们在森林里徒步旅行了一整天。

They went hiking in the forest all day.

8. 我们一边走一边欣赏着城市的风景。

We walked while enjoying the city's scenery.

9. 我们步行去了那家新开的咖啡店。

We walked to the new coffee shop.

10. 她喜欢徒步旅行,每年都会去不同的地方。

She enjoys hiking and goes to different places every year.

11. 在这个小镇上,人们都喜欢在湖边散步。

In this small town, people like to walk by the lake.

12. 我们在山间漫步,欣赏着迷人的风景。

We walked through the mountains, admiring the beautiful scenery.

13. 我每天都会走路去上班。

I walk to work every day.

14. 她喜欢在傍晚的时候散步,欣赏夕阳。

She likes to take a walk in the evening and enjoy the sunset.

15. 我们在公园里散步,聊着天。

We walked in the park and chatted.

16. 他正在走路,所以没时间接电话。

He's walking, so he can't answer the phone.

17. 我们一边走一边谈论着未来的计划。

We walked and talked about our future plans.

18. 我们决定去海滩散步,放松一下。

We decided to take a walk on the beach and relax.

19. 我们在乡间小路上漫步,享受宁静的氛围。

We strolled along the country road, enjoying the peaceful atmosphere.

20. 我们准备好了,可以开始长途徒步旅行了。

We're ready to start our long-distance hike.

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