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时间: 2024-11-01 14:50:42


1. 他穿着破旧的衣服在街上讨饭。

He begged for food on the street in tattered clothes.

2. 这个可怜的老人只能靠讨饭维持生计。

The poor old man can only survive by begging for food.

3. 孩子们在街上讨饭,让人心疼。

It's heartbreaking to see children begging for food on the street.

4. 她拿着一个碗在街上讨饭。

She was holding a bowl and begging for food on the street.

5. 讨饭是一种无奈的生存方式。

Begging for food is a desperate way to survive.

6. 他讨饭时的眼神让人心碎。

The look in his eyes when he begged for food was heartbreaking.

7. 讨饭是一种不可取的行为。

Begging for food is an undesirable behavior.

8. 她看上去很憔悴,像是讨饭讨累了。

She looked exhausted, as if she had been begging for food for a long time.

9. 讨饭是一种卑微的行为。

Begging for food is a humble act.

10. 他不愿意讨饭,但没有其他办法。

He didn't want to beg for food, but he had no other choice.

11. 讨饭是一种无奈的生存方式。

Begging for food is a desperate way to survive.

12. 讨饭在这个城市是非法的。

Begging for food is illegal in this city.

13. 他因为贫困而不得不讨饭。

He had to beg for food because of poverty.

14. 讨饭不是解决问题的方法。

Begging for food is not a solution to the problem.

15. 讨饭是一种丢脸的行为。

Begging for food is a shameful act.

16. 孩子们在街头讨饭,引起了社会的关注。

Children begging for food on the street have attracted social attention.

17. 讨饭不是长久之计。

Begging for food is not a long-term solution.

18. 他讨饭的时候总是保持着微笑。

He always kept a smile on his face when begging for food.

19. 讨饭并不能解决他们的问题。

Begging for food doesn't solve their problems.

20. 希望这个城市的人们能够给予讨饭者更多的关爱和帮助。

Hopefully the people of this city can give more love and help to the beggars.

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