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时间: 2024-11-01 12:58:18


1. 我很后悔当初没有好好珍惜这段感情。

I regret not cherishing this relationship.

2. 他深深地悔过自己的错误行为。

He deeply regrets his wrongdoings.

3. 她悔过自己的冲动决定。

She repents her impulsive decision.

4. 我们应该悔过自己的过错并向他人道歉。

We should repent our mistakes and apologize to others.

5. 他表示悔过并决心改变自己。

He expressed remorse and determination to change himself.

6. 她悔过自己的不负责任行为。

She repents her irresponsible behavior.

7. 他发誓要悔过并重新做一个更好的人。

He vowed to repent and become a better person.

8. 他的悔过感使他更加谨慎。

His sense of remorse made him more cautious.

9. 她悔过自己的自私行为。

She repents her selfish behavior.

10. 他深感悔过,决心弥补自己的过失。

He deeply regrets and is determined to make amends for his mistakes.

11. 我们必须悔过自己的过错,才能得到原谅。

We must repent our mistakes in order to be forgiven.

12. 他已经悔过并表示了诚挚的歉意。

He has repented and expressed sincere apologies.

13. 她悔过自己的鲁莽行为。

She repents her reckless behavior.

14. 他的悔过之心让人感到感动。

His repentant heart is touching.

15. 她的悔过表现出她对自己所犯错误的认识和反思。

Her repentance shows her awareness and reflection on her mistakes.

16. 他的悔过之情得到了家人的谅解。

His repentance has been forgiven by his family.

17. 他的悔过之情使他变得更加谦逊。

His repentance made him more humble.

18. 她已经悔过并决心不再犯同样的错误。

She has repented and is determined not to make the same mistake again.

19. 在悔过之后,他开始主动寻求帮助。

After repenting, he started seeking help proactively.

20. 他的悔过之心让人看到了他的真诚和诚实。

His repentant heart shows his sincerity and honesty.

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