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时间: 2024-11-01 22:52:27


1. 我们是与同一家公司合作的合作伙伴。

We are partners with the same company.

2. 他是我的与同,我们一起在同一家公司工作。

He is my colleague, we work together at the same company.

3. 我们是与同学校的学生,我们经常一起上课。

We are students at the same school, we often have classes together.

4. 他们是与同一家医院的医生,经常一起进行手术。

They are doctors at the same hospital, they often perform surgeries together.

5. 我们是与同一家餐厅的服务员,我们一起工作了很多年。

We are waiters at the same restaurant, we have been working together for many years.

6. 她是我的与同,我们一起度过了很多美好的时光。

She is my companion, we have spent many wonderful times together.

7. 我们是与同一家公司的员工,我们一起努力工作。

We are employees at the same company, we work hard together.

8. 他们是与同一个足球队的队员,一起参加比赛。

They are players on the same soccer team, they compete together.

9. 我们是与同一个社区的居民,一起参加社区活动。

We are residents of the same community, we participate in community activities together.

10. 她是我的与同,我们一起分享生活的喜怒哀乐。

She is my companion, we share the joys and sorrows of life together.

11. 我们是与同一个俱乐部的会员,一起参加活动。

We are members of the same club, we participate in activities together.

12. 他们是与同一家公司的高管,一起制定战略计划。

They are executives at the same company, they work together to develop strategic plans.

13. 我们是与同一个团队的成员,一起完成任务。

We are members of the same team, we work together to accomplish tasks.

14. 她是我的与同,我们一起度过了很多难忘的时光。

She is my companion, we have spent many unforgettable times together.

15. 我们是与同一个学习小组的同学,一起学习知识。

We are classmates in the same study group, we learn together.

16. 他们是与同一家银行的客户,一起办理业务。

They are customers at the same bank, they conduct business together.

17. 我们是与同一个团体的成员,一起参加活动。

We are members of the same organization, we participate in activities together.

18. 她是我的与同,我们一起经历了很多挑战。

She is my companion, we have faced many challenges together.

19. 我们是与同一个团队的队友,一起训练比赛。

We are teammates on the same team, we train and compete together.

20. 他们是与同一家学校的老师,一起教授学生。

They are teachers at the same school, they teach students together.

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