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时间: 2024-09-20 10:22:33


1. 他为了养家糊口每天都很辛苦。

He works hard every day to support his family.

2. 她辛苦地工作了一整天,回到家已经很晚了。

She worked hard all day and didn't get home until late.

3. 我们一起辛苦地工作,终于完成了这个项目。

We worked hard together and finally completed the project.

4. 他在田里辛苦地干活了一整天。

He toiled in the fields all day.

5. 我们都辛苦地努力工作,希望能取得成功。

We all work hard in the hope of success.

6. 她辛苦地挣钱养家。

She works hard to support her family.

7. 他每天都辛苦地工作,从不抱怨。

He works hard every day without complaint.

8. 虽然辛苦,但是我们每个人都很享受这份工作。

It's hard work, but we all enjoy it.

9. 她辛苦地工作了一整周,终于得到了她想要的结果。

She worked hard all week and finally got the result she wanted.

10. 他辛苦地工作了很多年,终于成为了一名成功的商人。

He worked hard for many years and finally became a successful businessman.

11. 我们为了这个目标一直在辛苦地工作。

We have been working hard for this goal.

12. 他辛苦地付出了很多,但是最终得到了回报。

He worked hard and sacrificed a lot, but in the end, it paid off.

13. 她辛苦地工作了很多年,现在终于可以享受退休生活了。

She worked hard for many years and can now enjoy her retirement.

14. 尽管辛苦,他从不放弃。

Despite the hardships, he never gives up.

15. 他辛苦地工作,但是却很少被人理解。

He works hard, but is rarely understood.

16. 虽然辛苦,但是我们必须坚持下去。

It's hard, but we have to keep going.

17. 辛苦的劳动是建设美好家园的基础。

Hard work is the foundation of building a beautiful home.

18. 他每天都辛苦地工作,为了给家人更好的生活。

He works hard every day to provide a better life for his family.

19. 虽然辛苦,但是我们永远不会放弃希望。

It's hard, but we will never give up hope.

20. 她辛苦地工作,终于实现了她的梦想。

She worked hard and finally realized her dream.

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