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时间: 2024-09-20 15:04:00


1. 他用右手写字。

He writes with his right hand.

2. 我的右手受伤了,我现在很难做事。

My right hand is injured, and I am having a hard time doing things now.

3. 她用右手拿着手机。

She holds the phone in her right hand.

4. 我的右手比左手更灵活。

My right hand is more flexible than my left hand.

5. 你可以用右手拿起那个杯子吗?

Can you pick up that cup with your right hand?

6. 他用右手指着地图上的目的地。

He pointed to the destination on the map with his right hand.

7. 我右手的力量比左手大。

My right hand is stronger than my left hand.

8. 他右手的动作很利落。

The movements of his right hand are very agile.

9. 她用右手解开了那个结。

She untied the knot with her right hand.

10. 我的右手拿着一本书。

My right hand is holding a book.

11. 右手按下按钮,门就会打开。

Press the button with your right hand, and the door will open.

12. 我的右手指甲比左手长。

The fingernails on my right hand are longer than those on my left hand.

13. 他的右手被扭伤了。

His right hand is twisted.

14. 她右手的握力很强。

Her right hand has a strong grip.

15. 你右手的手指能够触摸到那里吗?

Can your right hand's fingers reach there?

16. 我的右手比左手更有力气。

My right hand is stronger than my left hand.

17. 右手要紧握住绳子,否则会掉下来。

Hold the rope tightly with your right hand, or it will fall off.

18. 他右手的手指很灵巧。

The fingers on his right hand are very dexterous.

19. 她右手拿着一束鲜花。

She is holding a bouquet of flowers in her right hand.

20. 右手伸出来,我来帮你。

Reach out your right hand, and I will help you.

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