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时间: 2024-09-20 10:01:47


1. 这是我第一次去海边度假。

This is my first time going on a beach vacation.

2. 他第一次尝试了滑雪,感觉非常刺激。

He tried skiing for the first time and found it very exciting.

3. 她第一次参加马拉松比赛就取得了第一名。

She won first place in her first marathon race.

4. 我第一次看到雪的时候,简直不敢相信自己的眼睛。

I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw snow for the first time.

5. 昨晚是他第一次单独开车回家。

Last night was the first time he drove home alone.

6. 这是她第一次尝试烹饪法国菜。

This is her first attempt at cooking French cuisine.

7. 我第一次尝试了瑜伽,感觉身心得到了放松。

I tried yoga for the first time and felt relaxed both physically and mentally.

8. 他第一次登上了珠穆朗玛峰。

He climbed Mount Everest for the first time.

9. 这是我第一次在国外旅行。

This is my first time traveling abroad.

10. 她第一次演出就获得了好评。

She received positive reviews for her first performance.

11. 我第一次尝试了潜水,感觉非常刺激。

I tried scuba diving for the first time and found it very exciting.

12. 这是他第一次尝试写小说。

This is his first attempt at writing a novel.

13. 我第一次尝试了日本料理,发现味道非常美味。

I tried Japanese cuisine for the first time and found it very delicious.

14. 她第一次去了动物园,看到了很多不同的动物。

She went to the zoo for the first time and saw many different animals.

15. 这是他第一次尝试冲浪,结果非常成功。

This is his first attempt at surfing, and it was very successful.

16. 我第一次尝试了滑翔伞,感觉非常刺激。

I tried paragliding for the first time and found it very exciting.

17. 这是我第一次尝试了烹饪意大利面。

This is my first attempt at cooking pasta.

18. 他第一次尝试了滑板,摔了好几次。

He tried skateboarding for the first time and fell several times.

19. 我第一次尝试了烘焙蛋糕,结果非常成功。

I tried baking a cake for the first time, and it was very successful.

20. 这是她第一次尝试了滑雪,结果非常惊喜。

She tried skiing for the first time and was pleasantly surprised.

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