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时间: 2024-09-20 10:12:50


1. 他是一个平凡的凡人,但却有着非凡的毅力。

He is an ordinary mortal, but he has extraordinary perseverance.

2. 我们都是凡人,都会犯错误。

We are all mortals and we all make mistakes.

3. 他是一个普通的凡人,没有什么特别之处。

He is an ordinary mortal with nothing particularly remarkable about him.

4. 在这个世界上,凡人总是在追求着不凡的梦想。

In this world, mortals are always pursuing extraordinary dreams.

5. 尽管他只是个凡人,但他的善良却是非常难得的。

Despite being just a mortal, his kindness is truly rare.

6. 凡人的生活中充满了各种挑战和困难。

The life of mortals is filled with various challenges and difficulties.

7. 他不是一个英雄,只是一个平凡的凡人。

He is not a hero, just an ordinary mortal.

8. 他曾经是一个普通的凡人,但通过努力,他成为了一个成功的企业家。

He was once an ordinary mortal, but through hard work, he became a successful entrepreneur.

9. 我们都是凡人,谁都无法逃避生老病死。

We are all mortals, none of us can escape the cycle of birth, aging, illness, and death.

10. 在这部小说中,作者描绘了一个凡人的生活和挣扎。

In this novel, the author depicts the life and struggles of an ordinary mortal.

11. 她是一个平凡的凡人,但她的善良和勇气让她与众不同。

She is an ordinary mortal, but her kindness and courage make her stand out.

12. 凡人的爱情故事总是让人动容。

Love stories of mortals always touch people's hearts.

13. 虽然他只是一个凡人,但他的成就却超出了人们的预期。

Although he is just a mortal, his achievements have exceeded people's expectations.

14. 凡人的世界里充满了各种各样的人和事。

The world of mortals is filled with all kinds of people and things.

15. 他是一个平凡的凡人,但他对音乐的热爱却是非常深沉的。

He is an ordinary mortal, but his love for music is very deep.

16. 凡人的生活往往充满了挣扎和磨难。

The life of mortals is often filled with struggles and hardships.

17. 她是一个普通的凡人,但她的善良和慷慨令人敬佩。

She is an ordinary mortal, but her kindness and generosity are admirable.

18. 在这个世界上,每个人都是凡人,都会有自己的弱点和缺点。

In this world, everyone is a mortal, everyone has their own weaknesses and flaws.

19. 虽然他只是一个凡人,但他却有着非凡的智慧和见识。

Although he is just a mortal, he has extraordinary wisdom and insight.

20. 凡人的生命虽然短暂,却可以留下深刻的印记。

Although the life of mortals is short, it can leave a profound impression.

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