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时间: 2024-09-20 07:28:52


1. 我们需要了解客户的需求才能提供更好的服务。

We need to understand the needs of our customers in order to provide better service.

2. 了解自己的优势和劣势是非常重要的。

It is important to understand your strengths and weaknesses.

3. 我们必须了解这个问题的根本原因。

We need to understand the root cause of this issue.

4. 他们对这个新产品的市场潜力有了更深入的了解。

They have gained a deeper understanding of the market potential for this new product.

5. 了解对方的观点是解决分歧的第一步。

Understanding the other person's perspective is the first step to resolving differences.

6. 你必须了解这项任务的重要性。

You need to understand the importance of this task.

7. 我们需要更多的时间来了解这个复杂的问题。

We need more time to understand this complex issue.

8. 通过学习历史,我们可以更好地了解当今世界。

By studying history, we can better understand the world today.

9. 他们需要更多的培训来了解新系统的操作方法。

They need more training to understand how to operate the new system.

10. 了解不同文化的习俗和传统是非常有趣的。

It's very interesting to understand the customs and traditions of different cultures.

11. 我们应该尊重并了解彼此的不同观点。

We should respect and understand each other's different viewpoints.

12. 了解对方的需求是建立良好合作关系的关键。

Understanding the needs of the other party is key to building a good working relationship.

13. 他们正在努力了解如何更好地保护环境。

They are working hard to understand how to better protect the environment.

14. 了解基本的法律知识对每个人都很重要。

Understanding basic legal knowledge is important for everyone.

15. 我们需要更多的信息来充分了解这个议题。

We need more information to fully understand this issue.

16. 通过交流和沟通,我们可以更好地了解彼此。

Through communication and dialogue, we can better understand each other.

17. 他们正在努力了解这个新技术的应用领域。

They are working hard to understand the applications of this new technology.

18. 了解市场趋势对于制定营销策略至关重要。

Understanding market trends is crucial for devising marketing strategies.

19. 了解这个国家的文化是在那里生活的关键。

Understanding the culture of this country is key to living there.

20. 他们正在努力了解如何应对这种突发情况。

They are working hard to understand how to deal with this unexpected situation.

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