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时间: 2024-09-20 08:58:15


1. 我们今天去公园,开着小车。

We drove to the park in a small car today.

2. 小车的油耗很低。

The small car has low fuel consumption.

3. 他喜欢收集不同款式的小车模型。

He likes to collect different styles of toy cars.

4. 小车在城市里非常方便。

A small car is very convenient in the city.

5. 小车的车身颜色是红色的。

The small car's body color is red.

6. 这辆小车很节能。

This small car is very fuel-efficient.

7. 这辆小车的速度很快。

This small car has a high speed.

8. 我们正在考虑购买一辆小车。

We are considering buying a small car.

9. 小车能够轻松穿过拥挤的城市街道。

The small car can easily navigate through crowded city streets.

10. 这是一辆老式的小车。

This is an old-fashioned small car.

11. 小车的后备箱比较小。

The small car's trunk is relatively small.

12. 我们一家人坐在小车里去度假。

Our family went on vacation in a small car.

13. 这辆小车的空调效果很好。

The small car has a good air conditioning effect.

14. 小车在狭窄的巷子里很灵活。

The small car is very agile in narrow alleys.

15. 这辆小车的外观设计很时尚。

The small car has a stylish exterior design.

16. 我们买了一辆小车作为家庭用车。

We bought a small car as a family car.

17. 小车的维护成本比较低。

The maintenance cost of the small car is relatively low.

18. 小车的加速性能很好。

The small car has good acceleration performance.

19. 这辆小车的车门是自动的。

The small car's doors are automatic.

20. 我们打算把这辆小车换成一辆更大的车。

We plan to replace this small car with a larger one.

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