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时间: 2024-09-20 07:27:04


1. 这个房间一片混乱,书籍、衣物无序堆放。

This room is in a mess, with books and clothes scattered everywhere.

2. 他的生活总是无序而不规律。

His life is always disordered and irregular.

3. 她的思绪像一团无序的线,难以整理。

Her thoughts are like a tangle of disorderly threads, difficult to sort out.

4. 这个组织的管理十分无序,需要重新规划。

The management of this organization is extremely disorderly and needs to be reorganized.

5. 风暴过后,整个花园变得一片狼藉,植物无序倒伏。

After the storm, the entire garden became a mess, with plants lying in disorder.

6. 孩子们的行为十分无序,需要更多的纪律。

The children's behavior is very disorderly and needs more discipline.

7. 这个文件柜里的文件完全无序,找起来很费劲。

The files in this filing cabinet are completely disordered, making it difficult to find anything.

8. 这个城市的交通系统十分无序,需要进行重大改革。

The transportation system in this city is extremely disorderly and needs major reform.

9. 这幅画的线条十分无序,缺乏美感。

The lines of this painting are very disorderly and lack aesthetic appeal.

10. 这个公司的管理体系十分无序,导致了许多问题。

The management system of this company is very disorderly, leading to many problems.

11. 他的书桌上摆放着各种无序的纸张和文件。

His desk is covered with various disorderly papers and documents.

12. 这个国家的法律体系十分无序,需要进行全面改革。

The legal system of this country is very disorderly and needs comprehensive reform.

13. 她的时间安排总是无序的,经常迟到或漏掉重要的事情。

Her schedule is always disorderly, often leading to lateness or missing important things.

14. 这个班级的学生行为十分无序,需要更严格的管理。

The students in this class are very disorderly and need stricter management.

15. 这个市场的摊位排列十分无序,需要重新规划。

The stalls in this market are arranged in a disorderly manner and need to be reorganized.

16. 这个项目的执行计划十分无序,需要更好的协调和安排。

The execution plan of this project is very disorderly and needs better coordination and arrangement.

17. 这个餐厅的服务态度十分无序,需要改进。

The service attitude of this restaurant is very disorderly and needs improvement.

18. 这个图书馆的书架上书籍摆放十分无序,需要整理。

The books on the shelves of this library are placed in a disorderly manner and need to be organized.

19. 这个比赛的规则十分无序,需要重新制定。

The rules of this competition are very disorderly and need to be redefined.

20. 这个城市的建筑风格十分无序,缺乏整体美感。

The architectural style of this city is very disorderly and lacks overall aesthetic appeal.

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