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时间: 2024-09-20 12:05:17


1. 我需要打点一下我的工作日程表。

I need to organize my work schedule.

2. 请你打点一下这个文件夹,确保里面的文件都齐全。

Can you sort through this folder and make sure all the documents are there?

3. 我需要打点一下我的行李,然后我们就可以出发了。

I just need to pack up my things and then we can leave.

4. 他花了一整天的时间打点自己的办公室,清理文件和整理桌面。

He spent the whole day organizing his office, clearing out files and tidying up his desk.

5. 我需要打点一下我的思绪,然后才能开始写作。

I need to gather my thoughts before I can start writing.

6. 她打点了一下自己的形象,然后开始了新的一天。

She freshened up her appearance before starting her day.

7. 我们需要打点一下这个项目,确定我们已经做好了一切准备。

We need to go over this project and make sure we're prepared for everything.

8. 他花了一些时间打点自己的生活,调整了作息时间和饮食习惯。

He spent some time getting his life in order, adjusting his schedule and eating habits.

9. 我们需要打点一下公司的财务状况,确保一切都在控制之中。

We need to go over the company's financial situation and make sure everything is under control.

10. 我们需要打点一下这次旅行的细节,确保一切顺利进行。

We need to organize the details of this trip to make sure everything goes smoothly.

11. 我需要打点一下我的笔记本电脑,删除一些不必要的文件。

I need to sort through my laptop and delete some unnecessary files.

12. 我需要打点一下我的工作空间,才能开始专心工作。

I need to tidy up my workspace before I can focus on my work.

13. 他花了一些时间打点自己的外表,确保在会议上给人留下良好的印象。

He spent some time freshening up his appearance to make a good impression at the meeting.

14. 我需要打点一下我的日程安排,看看是否有时间去参加这个活动。

I need to check my schedule to see if I have time to attend this event.

15. 我们需要打点一下这个项目的进展情况,确定我们还在正确的轨道上。

We need to go over the progress of this project and make sure we're still on the right track.

16. 她花了一些时间打点自己的家务,确保家里整洁有序。

She spent some time organizing her household to ensure it was clean and tidy.

17. 我需要打点一下这个报告,确保所有的信息都是准确的。

I need to go over this report to make sure all the information is accurate.

18. 我们需要打点一下这个计划,确定我们考虑到了所有的细节。

We need to organize this plan to make sure we've considered all the details.

19. 他花了一些时间打点自己的心情,让自己放松下来。

He spent some time getting his emotions in order and relaxing.

20. 我需要打点一下我的行李,然后我们就可以出发了。

I just need to pack up my things and then we can leave.

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