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时间: 2024-09-20 11:06:51


1. 我感到困顿,不知道该如何是好。

I feel trapped and don't know what to do.

2. 他在工作上陷入了困顿,无法找到突破口。

He is trapped in his work and can't find a way out.

3. 她的生活陷入了困顿,需要一些改变。

Her life is trapped and needs some changes.

4. 我们的公司陷入了困顿,需要采取一些措施来振兴。

Our company is trapped and needs to take some measures to revitalize.

5. 在这个困顿的时刻,我们需要团结一致。

In this trapped moment, we need to stand together.

6. 他的事业陷入了困顿,需要一些新的想法。

His career is trapped and needs some new ideas.

7. 这个国家正陷入困顿,需要一些改革。

This country is trapped and needs some reforms.

8. 她的婚姻陷入了困顿,需要一些沟通和理解。

Her marriage is trapped and needs some communication and understanding.

9. 这个项目陷入了困顿,需要一些额外的资源。

This project is trapped and needs some additional resources.

10. 我的生活陷入了困顿,需要一些新的动力。

My life is trapped and needs some new motivation.

11. 在这个困顿的时刻,我们需要保持乐观。

In this trapped moment, we need to stay positive.

12. 他的健康状况陷入了困顿,需要一些医疗帮助。

His health is trapped and needs some medical help.

13. 这个社区正陷入困顿,需要一些支持和帮助。

This community is trapped and needs some support and help.

14. 我感到困顿,似乎找不到出路。

I feel trapped, as if I can't find a way out.

15. 在这个困顿的时刻,我们需要坚持下去。

In this trapped moment, we need to persevere.

16. 她的家庭陷入了困顿,需要一些改变。

Her family is trapped and needs some changes.

17. 这个项目正陷入困顿,需要一些新的方向。

This project is trapped and needs some new direction.

18. 我们的友谊陷入了困顿,需要一些修复。

Our friendship is trapped and needs some repair.

19. 在这个困顿的时刻,我们需要相互支持。

In this trapped moment, we need to support each other.

20. 这个团队陷入了困顿,需要一些新的动力。

This team is trapped and needs some new motivation.

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