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时间: 2024-09-20 08:06:32


1. 这块青玉色泽明亮,非常漂亮。

This piece of green jade is bright and beautiful.

2. 她佩戴着一块青玉项链,显得格外优雅。

She wore a green jade necklace, which made her look particularly elegant.

3. 青玉在中国文化中被视为吉祥之物。

Green jade is regarded as an auspicious item in Chinese culture.

4. 这件青玉手镯非常名贵,价值连城。

This green jade bangle is very precious and invaluable.

5. 她收到了一块由青玉雕刻而成的精美手镯。

She received an exquisite bangle carved from green jade.

6. 青玉代表着纯洁和美好的愿望。

Green jade represents purity and good wishes.

7. 这块青玉是我父亲送给我的,寓意着家族的传承和繁荣。

This piece of green jade was given to me by my father, symbolizing the inheritance and prosperity of the family.

8. 她的项链上镶嵌着一块精美的青玉坠子。

A beautiful green jade pendant is set in her necklace.

9. 这块青玉被雕刻成了一只栩栩如生的龙。

This piece of green jade is carved into a vivid dragon.

10. 青玉在古代被视为玉石中的上品。

Green jade was regarded as the finest among all jade stones in ancient times.

11. 这对青玉耳环是我最喜欢的珠宝之一。

This pair of green jade earrings is one of my favorite jewelry.

12. 她的手腕上佩戴着一块古老的青玉手镯。

She wears an ancient green jade bangle on her wrist.

13. 这块青玉雕刻得非常精致,细节栩栩如生。

This piece of green jade is carved very delicately, with lifelike details.

14. 青玉代表着生命的永恒和坚韧。

Green jade represents the eternity and toughness of life.

15. 这块青玉被打磨得非常光滑,手感很好。

This piece of green jade is polished very smoothly and feels great in the hand.

16. 她的手腕上佩戴着一块镶嵌着青玉的银手镯。

She wears a silver bangle set with green jade on her wrist.

17. 青玉在古代被用来制作玉器和工艺品。

Green jade was used to make jade articles and crafts in ancient times.

18. 这块青玉被雕刻成了一只美丽的凤凰。

This piece of green jade is carved into a beautiful phoenix.

19. 这块青玉是我从云南带回来的纪念品。

This piece of green jade is a souvenir I brought back from Yunnan.

20. 青玉被誉为“玉中之王”,在古代被视为至宝。

Green jade is known as the "king of jade" and was considered a treasure in ancient times.

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