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时间: 2024-09-20 08:02:21


1. 我不得不推托参加这次会议,因为我有其他安排。

I have to decline the invitation to this meeting because I have other plans.

2. 她总是找借口推托去参加派对。

She always makes excuses to decline the invitation to parties.

3. 他推托参加公司的团建活动,让同事感到很失望。

He declined the invitation to the company's team-building activity, which disappointed his colleagues.

4. 我们没有理由再推托这个请求了。

We have no reason to decline this request again.

5. 他推托参加母校的校庆活动,因为他已经有其他安排了。

He declined the invitation to the alumni reunion because he already had other plans.

6. 她总是找借口推托去参加家庭聚会。

She always makes excuses to decline the invitation to family gatherings.

7. 你为什么总是推托去参加团队活动?

Why do you always decline the invitation to team activities?

8. 他推托去参加朋友的生日派对,说自己不舒服。

He declined the invitation to his friend's birthday party, saying he wasn't feeling well.

9. 她总是找借口推托去参加义工活动。

She always makes excuses to decline the invitation to volunteer activities.

10. 我们不应该再推托这个机会。

We shouldn't decline this opportunity again.

11. 他总是推托去参加公司的聚餐活动。

He always declines the invitation to the company dinner events.

12. 他推托参加了朋友的婚礼,因为他有其他计划。

He declined the invitation to his friend's wedding because he had other plans.

13. 她总是找借口推托去参加社交聚会。

She always makes excuses to decline the invitation to social gatherings.

14. 我们不得不推托那个提议,因为我们实在没有时间去执行。

We had to decline that proposal because we simply don't have the time to execute it.

15. 他推托去参加了同学聚会,因为他不想见到某些人。

He declined the invitation to the class reunion because he didn't want to see certain people.

16. 她总是找借口推托去参加家庭聚餐。

She always makes excuses to decline the invitation to family dinners.

17. 你为什么总是推托去参加团队建设活动?

Why do you always decline the invitation to team-building activities?

18. 他推托参加了公司的年会,因为他不喜欢这类场合。

He declined the invitation to the company's annual meeting because he doesn't like such occasions.

19. 她总是找借口推托去参加公司的周年庆祝活动。

She always makes excuses to decline the invitation to the company's anniversary celebration.

20. 我们不应该再推托这个机会。

We shouldn't decline this opportunity again.

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