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时间: 2024-09-20 09:58:45


1. 他刚刚进门就被一股香气迎了上来。

He was greeted by a pleasant aroma as soon as he walked in the door.

2. 我们一家人一起进门。

Our whole family entered the house together.

3. 进门请脱鞋。

Please take off your shoes when you enter.

4. 她一进门就开始收拾房间。

As soon as she entered the house, she started tidying up the room.

5. 你进门后就可以看到客厅。

You can see the living room as soon as you enter.

6. 他进门就开始大声喊叫。

He started shouting as soon as he entered the door.

7. 进门后,请先登记。

Please register after entering.

8. 我们一起进门,然后坐下聊天。

We entered together and then sat down to chat.

9. 我们进门前要先敲门。

We should knock on the door before entering.

10. 进门时请注意脚下的地毯。

Please watch your step on the carpet when entering.

11. 他进门时看起来很疲惫。

He looked very tired when he entered.

12. 进门后请闭上门。

Please close the door after entering.

13. 我们一进门就被美丽的景色吸引住了。

We were immediately captivated by the beautiful scenery as soon as we entered.

14. 他进门后就开始给客人倒茶。

He started pouring tea for the guests as soon as he entered.

15. 进门时请注意不要弄脏地板。

Please be careful not to dirty the floor when entering.

16. 我们进门后就看到了一幅美丽的画。

We saw a beautiful painting as soon as we entered.

17. 她进门时带着一束鲜花。

She entered with a bouquet of flowers.

18. 进门后请脱外套。

Please take off your coat after entering.

19. 进门后请关上门。

Please close the door after entering.

20. 我们进门后就开始准备晚餐。

We started preparing dinner as soon as we entered.

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