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时间: 2024-09-20 07:30:48


1. 我们公司的总部设在上海,分支机构遍布全国各地以外。

The headquarters of our company is located in Shanghai, with branches across the country and beyond.

2. 除了学习,他还有很多兴趣爱好,比如音乐和绘画等以外。

Apart from studying, he has many other interests, such as music and painting.

3. 这个展览将在本周五开幕,一直持续到下个月底以外。

The exhibition will open this Friday and continue until the end of next month and beyond.

4. 这个地方有很多美丽的景点,而且还有很多未被开发的地方以外。

This place has many beautiful attractions, as well as many undeveloped areas beyond.

5. 他的成绩在全班同学中排名第二,仅次于一个学霸以外。

He ranks second in the class, just behind a top student and beyond.

6. 除了我和他以外,没有其他人知道这个秘密。

Apart from him and me, no one else knows this secret.

7. 我们的产品销售已经覆盖到了国内以外的市场。

Our product sales have expanded to markets beyond the domestic market.

8. 他的影响力已经超出了我们所能想象的范围以外。

His influence has gone beyond what we can imagine.

9. 除了这些基本技能以外,你还需要具备一些特殊的才能。

In addition to these basic skills, you also need to have some special talents.

10. 他的责任不仅仅是照顾孩子,还包括了家庭以外的事务。

His responsibilities include not only taking care of the children, but also other matters beyond the family.

11. 除了这个饭店以外,你还有其他推荐吗?

Apart from this restaurant, do you have any other recommendations?

12. 他们的业务不仅仅局限于国内,还包括了国外以外的市场。

Their business extends not only to the domestic market, but also to markets beyond the borders.

13. 除了这个城市以外,我还去过很多其他的地方。

Apart from this city, I have been to many other places.

14. 除了这个问题以外,我们还需要考虑其他一些因素。

Apart from this issue, we also need to consider some other factors.

15. 除了这些材料以外,还需要准备一些其他的工具。

In addition to these materials, we also need to prepare some other tools.

16. 除了这个节日以外,我们还有其他一些值得庆祝的日子。

Apart from this festival, we have some other days worth celebrating.

17. 除了这些规定以外,还有其他一些需要遵守的规则。

In addition to these regulations, there are other rules that need to be followed.

18. 除了这个国家以外,我还想去其他一些国家旅行。

Apart from this country, I also want to travel to some other countries.

19. 除了这个问题以外,我们还需要解决其他一些挑战。

Apart from this problem, we also need to address some other challenges.

20. 除了这个方案以外,我们还需要考虑其他一些解决办法。

In addition to this plan, we also need to consider some other solutions.

上一个 【汉语】美梦的例句,中英对照 文章列表 下一个 【汉语】花儿的例句,中英对照



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