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时间: 2024-09-20 07:38:12


1. 桑上的树叶已经开始变黄了。

The leaves on the mulberry tree have started to turn yellow.

2. 桑上结满了红红的桑葚。

The mulberry tree is full of ripe, red mulberries.

3. 他爬上了桑上,摘下了一篮子桑葚。

He climbed up the mulberry tree and picked a basket of mulberries.

4. 桑上的鸟儿在欢快地歌唱。

The birds on the mulberry tree are singing cheerfully.

5. 桑上的树枝在微风中轻轻摇曳。

The branches of the mulberry tree are swaying gently in the breeze.

6. 桑上的果实香甜可口。

The fruit on the mulberry tree is sweet and delicious.

7. 我喜欢在桑上的草地上放松身心。

I like to relax on the grass under the mulberry tree.

8. 桑上的树荫下,清凉宜人。

The shade under the mulberry tree is cool and pleasant.

9. 桑上的果实可以用来酿酒。

The fruit from the mulberry tree can be used to make wine.

10. 桑上的叶子可以喂养家畜。

The leaves from the mulberry tree can be used to feed livestock.

11. 桑上的树木在春天会开花。

The mulberry tree will blossom in the spring.

12. 桑上结出了累累硕果。

The mulberry tree has produced a bountiful harvest.

13. 我们在桑上搭起了一把秋千。

We hung a swing from the mulberry tree.

14. 桑上的树枝被冰雪覆盖了。

The branches of the mulberry tree are covered with ice and snow.

15. 桑上的果实成熟了,可以采摘了。

The fruit on the mulberry tree is ripe and ready to be picked.

16. 桑上的树干笔直挺拔。

The trunk of the mulberry tree is straight and tall.

17. 我们在桑上的树荫下野餐。

We had a picnic under the shade of the mulberry tree.

18. 桑上的果实可以用来制作果酱。

The fruit from the mulberry tree can be used to make jam.

19. 孩子们在桑上的树下玩耍。

The children are playing under the mulberry tree.

20. 桑上的果实可以用来制作葡萄酒。

The fruit from the mulberry tree can be used to make wine.

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