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时间: 2024-10-05 19:16:06


1. 这条小溪清清的水流让人感到舒心。

The clear water of the stream is soothing to the soul.

2. 在山间穿行时,清流潺潺的声音让人感到宁静。

The gentle sound of the clear stream flowing through the mountains brings a sense of tranquility.

3. 清流缓缓地流过田野,给大地带来了生机。

The clear stream flows gently through the fields, bringing life to the earth.

4. 我喜欢到清流边上散步,那里的空气特别清新。

I enjoy taking a walk by the clear stream, the air there is especially fresh.

5. 清流上游的景色非常美丽,值得一去。

The scenery upstream of the clear stream is very beautiful and worth a visit.

6. 小溪的清流在阳光下闪闪发光,非常美丽。

The clear stream of the creek glimmers in the sunlight, it's very beautiful.

7. 清流潺潺,绿树成荫,这里是个理想的放松之地。

The gentle clear stream and the shade of the green trees make this an ideal place for relaxation.

8. 清流汇入湖中,形成了一幅美丽的景色。

The clear stream flows into the lake, creating a beautiful scene.

9. 我们在清流中嬉戏,度过了一个愉快的下午。

We frolicked in the clear stream and had a pleasant afternoon.

10. 在炎炎夏日,清流是最好的消暑去处。

The clear stream is the best place to cool off on a hot summer day.

11. 他们在清流中捕鱼,度过了一个愉快的周末。

They went fishing in the clear stream and had a pleasant weekend.

12. 清流悠悠,给人一种宁静的感觉。

The gentle clear stream gives a sense of tranquility.

13. 我们在清流旁边搭起帐篷,度过了一个难忘的露营之旅。

We set up our tent by the clear stream and had a memorable camping trip.

14. 清流在山间蜿蜒流淌,宛如一条银带。

The clear stream winds through the mountains like a silver ribbon.

15. 清流的水质非常清澈,可以看到水底的石头。

The water quality of the clear stream is very clear, you can see the stones at the bottom.

16. 我们在清流中游泳,感受着清凉的水流。

We swam in the clear stream, feeling the cool water flow.

17. 清流的声音像是大自然的音乐,让人心旷神怡。

The sound of the clear stream is like the music of nature, it's refreshing to the soul.

18. 清流沿着山脚流淌,给人一种宁静的感觉。

The clear stream flows along the foot of the mountain, giving a sense of tranquility.

19. 清流中的小鱼儿在水中嬉戏,很可爱。

The little fish in the clear stream play in the water, they are very cute.

20. 清流在阳光下闪闪发光,美不胜收。

The clear stream glimmers in the sunlight, it's incredibly beautiful.

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