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时间: 2024-09-20 05:48:57


1. I need to find my keys before I can leave the house. (我需要找到我的钥匙才能离开房子。)

2. Can you help me find a good restaurant in this area? (你能帮我找到这个地区的一家好餐馆吗?)

3. I hope we can find a solution to this problem soon. (我希望我们能尽快找到这个问题的解决办法。)

4. It took me a while, but I finally found the book I was looking for. (我花了一些时间,但我终于找到了我要找的书。)

5. I find it difficult to believe that he would do such a thing. (我发现很难相信他会做这样的事情。)

6. She always seems to find a way to make things work. (她总是能找到办法让事情变得顺利。)

7. I find your behavior unacceptable. (我觉得你的行为不可接受。)

8. The detective was able to find the missing person. (侦探成功找到了失踪的人。)

9. I hope you can find happiness in your new job. (我希望你能在新工作中找到幸福。)

10. She couldn't find her glasses and was getting frustrated. (她找不到眼镜,开始感到沮丧。)

11. The scientist was able to find a cure for the disease. (科学家成功找到了这种疾病的治愈方法。)

12. I find it hard to believe that he would lie to us. (我发现很难相信他会对我们撒谎。)

13. Can you help me find my way to the nearest train station? (你能帮我找到去最近火车站的路吗?)

14. I always find peace and tranquility in nature. (我总是在大自然中找到平静和宁静。)

15. She was able to find a compromise that satisfied both parties. (她找到了一个满足双方的妥协方案。)

16. I find it amazing how quickly children learn new things. (我发现孩子们学习新事物的速度是多么惊人。)

17. The explorer was determined to find the lost city. (这位探险家决心要找到失落的城市。)

18. I find it hard to concentrate when there is so much noise. (当有很多噪音时,我发现很难集中注意力。)

19. We need to find a way to improve our communication with each other. (我们需要找到一种改善彼此之间沟通的方法。)

20. After searching for hours, she finally found the perfect dress for the party. (经过几个小时的搜索,她终于找到了派对上完美的裙子。)

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