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时间: 2024-09-20 10:22:24


1. The company has a global presence, with offices in over 30 countries. 公司在全球范围内拥有办事处,在30多个国家设有办事处。

2. Climate change is a global issue that requires a coordinated international effort. 气候变化是一个全球性问题,需要协调国际努力。

3. The global economy is facing challenges due to the ongoing trade tensions. 由于持续的贸易紧张局势,全球经济面临挑战。

4. She has a global perspective and is always interested in learning about different cultures. 她有全球视野,总是对了解不同文化感兴趣。

5. The company's global expansion strategy has been successful in penetrating new markets. 公司的全球扩张战略成功地打入了新市场。

6. The global pandemic has disrupted travel plans for millions of people. 全球大流行病打乱了数百万人的旅行计划。

7. The organization aims to tackle global poverty through sustainable development projects. 该组织旨在通过可持续发展项目解决全球贫困问题。

8. The global supply chain has been impacted by the recent natural disasters. 最近的自然灾害对全球供应链产生了影响。

9. Global warming is causing drastic changes in the earth's climate patterns. 全球变暖正在导致地球气候模式的剧烈变化。

10. The company is known for its global reach and ability to serve customers worldwide. 该公司以其全球覆盖能力和为全球客户服务的能力而闻名。

11. The United Nations plays a crucial role in addressing global issues and promoting peace. 联合国在解决全球问题和促进和平方面发挥着至关重要的作用。

12. The global market for renewable energy is expanding rapidly. 可再生能源的全球市场正在迅速扩大。

13. The global response to the humanitarian crisis has been overwhelming, with support pouring in from all over the world. 对人道主义危机的全球响应令人震惊,来自世界各地的支持涌入。

14. The company's global sales team is responsible for reaching out to clients in different countries. 公司的全球销售团队负责与不同国家的客户联系。

15. Global trade agreements have a significant impact on the world economy. 全球贸易协定对世界经济有重大影响。

16. The global health crisis has highlighted the importance of investing in healthcare infrastructure. 全球卫生危机凸显了投资医疗保健基础设施的重要性。

17. The company is committed to reducing its global carbon footprint through sustainable practices. 该公司致力于通过可持续实践来减少其全球碳足迹。

18. The conference brought together experts from around the world to discuss global security challenges. 会议汇集了来自世界各地的专家,讨论全球安全挑战。

19. The global fashion industry is constantly evolving to meet the demands of consumers worldwide. 全球时尚产业不断发展,以满足全球消费者的需求。

20. The organization's global impact can be seen through its various humanitarian projects. 通过其各种人道主义项目,可以看到该组织的全球影响力。

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