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时间: 2024-09-17 13:45:54


1. The greedy businessman only cared about making more money, regardless of the consequences. (这个贪婪的商人只关心赚更多的钱,而不顾后果。)

2. She had a greedy appetite and always wanted to eat more than her fair share. (她食欲很大,总是想吃比自己应得的更多。)

3. The greedy child refused to share his toys with the other kids. (这个贪心的孩子不愿意和其他孩子分享他的玩具。)

4. The greedy politician was caught taking bribes from lobbyists. (这个贪婪的政客被抓到收受游说者的贿赂。)

5. The greedy corporation exploited its workers for maximum profit. (这家贪婪的公司剥削工人以获取最大利润。)

6. He was greedy for power and would stop at nothing to achieve his goals. (他贪图权力,不择手段地追求自己的目标。)

7. The greedy cat tried to eat all the food in its bowl in one go. (这只贪吃的猫试图一口气吃光它碗里的所有食物。)

8. The greedy landlord raised the rent prices without considering the financial strain on his tenants. (这个贪婪的房东提高了租金,而不考虑租户的经济压力。)

9. The greedy investor lost everything when the stock market crashed. (这个贪心的投资者在股市崩盘时失去了一切。)

10. The greedy gambler couldn't stop betting even when he was clearly losing. (这个贪婪的赌徒明明已经输得很惨了,却还是停不下来。)

11. The greedy child hoarded all the candy for himself and didn't share with his siblings. (这个贪心的孩子把所有的糖果都藏起来,不和兄弟姐妹分享。)

12. The greedy CEO took a large bonus while laying off hundreds of employees. (这个贪婪的CEO在裁员数百名员工的同时获得了巨额奖金。)

13. The greedy dog tried to eat all the treats in one go. (这只贪吃的狗试图一口气吃光所有的零食。)

14. She was accused of being greedy for asking for a higher salary. (她因要求更高的薪水而被指责为贪心。)

15. The greedy landlord refused to fix the broken heater in the middle of winter. (这个贪婪的房东在寒冷的冬天拒绝修理坏了的暖气。)

16. The greedy corporation exploited natural resources without any concern for environmental impact. (这家贪婪的公司开发自然资源时毫不关心环境影响。)

17. The greedy child grabbed all the toys and refused to share with his friends. (这个贪心的孩子抢走了所有的玩具,不肯和朋友分享。)

18. The greedy salesperson tried to pressure customers into buying unnecessary products. (这个贪心的销售员试图逼迫客户购买不必要的产品。)

19. The greedy land developer destroyed the natural habitat to build luxury condos. (这个贪心的土地开发商破坏了自然栖息地,建造豪华公寓。)

20. The greedy banker exploited loopholes in financial regulations to make huge profits. (这个贪婪的银行家利用金融监管中的漏洞赚取巨额利润。)

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