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时间: 2024-09-20 01:02:42


1. The hotel provides complimentary breakfast for all guests.酒店为所有客人提供免费早餐。

2. We are expecting a few guests for dinner tonight.我们今晚期待着几位客人来吃饭。

3. The host greeted the guests at the door.主人在门口迎接客人。

4. The hotel staff is trained to provide excellent service to all guests.酒店员工接受培训,为所有客人提供优质服务。

5. The wedding reception was attended by over 200 guests.有200多位客人参加了婚礼招待会。

6. The guest room has a beautiful view of the ocean.客房可以欣赏美丽的海景。

7. She made sure to make her guests feel welcome in her home.她确保让客人在她家里感到受欢迎。

8. The hotel offers a variety of amenities for its guests.酒店为客人提供各种便利设施。

9. The guest list for the event is quite extensive.这次活动的客人名单相当广泛。

10. The hostess greeted each guest with a warm smile.女主人用热情的微笑迎接每一位客人。

11. The guests were served a delicious three-course meal.客人们享用了美味的三道菜。

12. We have a special guest joining us for tonight's performance.我们有一位特别的客人加入我们今晚的表演。

13. The hotel offers a shuttle service for its guests.酒店为客人提供班车服务。

14. The guest speaker delivered an inspiring speech at the conference.嘉宾在会议上发表了鼓舞人心的演讲。

15. The hotel staff is always ready to assist guests with any requests.酒店员工随时准备帮助客人处理任何请求。

16. The guests were impressed by the elegant decor of the venue.客人对场地的优雅装饰印象深刻。

17. The hostess made sure that each guest had a comfortable place to sit.女主人确保每位客人都有一个舒适的座位。

18. The hotel offers a variety of activities for its guests to enjoy.酒店为客人提供各种活动供他们享受。

19. The guest of honor was presented with a special award.荣誉客人被颁发了特别奖项。

20. The guests were treated to a stunning fireworks display.客人们观赏了令人惊叹的烟火表演。

上一个 【英语】guess的例句 文章列表 下一个 【英语】guidance的例句



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