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时间: 2024-09-19 11:41:37


1. She held the pen in her hand. 她手里拿着笔。

2. He shook my hand warmly. 他热情地握了握我的手。

3. The baby reached out her hand to touch the cat. 宝宝伸出手去摸猫。

4. I accidentally burned my hand on the stove. 我不小心在炉子上烫伤了手。

5. He raised his hand to ask a question. 他举手问问题。

6. The clock's hands pointed to 6 o'clock. 钟的指针指向六点。

7. She used her hand to shield her eyes from the sun. 她用手遮住眼睛避开阳光。

8. The doctor gently examined the patient's hand. 医生轻柔地检查了病人的手。

9. She has a beautiful hand in calligraphy. 她的书法很漂亮。

10. The workers labored by hand to build the house. 工人们动手建造房子。

11. He's a skilled hand at fixing cars. 他擅长修车。

12. The company has hired an extra pair of hands for the busy season. 公司在繁忙季节雇佣了一名额外的员工。

13. The thief was caught red-handed with the stolen goods. 小偷被当场抓到并携带着赃物。

14. The children held hands as they walked to the park. 孩子们手拉手走到公园。

15. He's good at hand-to-hand combat. 他擅长肉搏战。

16. The artist meticulously painted the details of the hand. 艺术家精心绘制了手的细节。

17. The company has a heavy hand in the local economy. 公司对当地经济有很大的影响。

18. He tried his hand at cooking for the first time. 他第一次尝试做饭。

19. The teacher hand-picked the students for the special project. 老师亲自挑选了特殊项目的学生。

20. She won the game by a narrow margin, but she had the upper hand throughout. 她以微弱的优势赢得了比赛,但她一直占据上风。

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