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时间: 2024-09-19 11:43:56


1. He is going to the store to buy some groceries. 他要去商店买些杂货。

2. He is a talented musician who can play multiple instruments. 他是一个有才华的音乐家,能演奏多种乐器。

3. He always wears a blue hat. 他总是戴着一顶蓝帽子。

4. He is the CEO of a successful company. 他是一家成功公司的首席执行官。

5. He likes to spend his weekends hiking in the mountains. 他喜欢周末在山上徒步。

6. He is known for his generosity and kindness. 他以慷慨和善良而闻名。

7. He has been working on this project for months. 他已经几个月在这个项目上工作了。

8. He is a great cook and loves to experiment with new recipes. 他是一个出色的厨师,喜欢尝试新的食谱。

9. He is the youngest in the family. 他是家里最小的。

10. He is always punctual and never late for meetings. 他总是守时,从不迟到。

11. He enjoys reading books in his free time. 他喜欢在空闲时间读书。

12. He is a loyal friend who always stands by his friends. 他是一个忠诚的朋友,总是支持他的朋友。

13. He is a dedicated teacher who cares deeply for his students. 他是一位尽职尽责的老师,非常关心他的学生。

14. He is an expert in his field and is often sought after for his advice. 他是他领域的专家,经常被人请教。

15. He is a hardworking employee who always goes the extra mile. 他是一个勤奋的员工,总是尽最大的努力。

16. He is a man of few words but deep thoughts. 他是一个话不多但深思熟虑的人。

17. He is a talented artist who creates beautiful paintings. 他是一个有才华的艺术家,创作出美丽的画作。

18. He is a responsible father who always puts his family first. 他是一个负责任的父亲,总是把家庭放在第一位。

19. He is a compassionate doctor who always puts his patients' needs first. 他是一个富有同情心的医生,总是把患者的需求放在第一位。

20. He is a passionate environmentalist who works tirelessly to protect the planet. 他是一个充满热情的环保主义者,不知疲倦地努力保护地球。

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