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时间: 2024-09-17 13:30:15


1. I saw him last night at the party.(昨晚我在派对上看到了他。)

2. This is the last piece of cake.(这是最后一块蛋糕。)

3. She's the last person I would expect to see here.(她是我最不希望在这里见到的人。)

4. He was the last to arrive at the meeting.(他是会议上最后一个到达的人。)

5. The last train leaves at midnight.(最后一班火车在午夜离开。)

6. It's the last chance for us to make it work.(这是我们最后一次让它成功的机会。)

7. She was the last to leave the office.(她是最后一个离开办公室的人。)

8. The last thing I want to do is disappoint you.(我最不想做的就是让你失望。)

9. This is my last attempt to convince you.(这是我说服你的最后一次尝试。)

10. I hope this is the last time we have to go through this.(我希望这是我们最后一次经历这种事情。)

11. The last time I saw her, she was studying abroad.(我上次见她的时候,她在国外学习。)

12. Please be the last person to turn off the lights.(请最后一个人关灯。)

13. It's the last straw that broke the camel's back.(这是最后一根稻草压垮骆驼的背。)

14. This is the last resort, we have no other options.(这是最后的手段,我们没有其他选择了。)

15. The last time I checked, the store was closed.(我上次查看的时候,商店已经关门了。)

16. It's the last chapter of the book, everything will be revealed.(这是书的最后一章,一切都将揭晓。)

17. This is the last warning, any further misbehavior will not be tolerated.(这是最后警告,任何进一步的不当行为将不被容忍。)

18. She was the last one to be informed about the decision.(她是最后一个被告知这个决定的人。)

19. It's the last day of the month, time to pay the bills.(这是本月的最后一天,该交账单了。)

20. He's the last person I'd want to work with.(他是我最不想和之一合作的人。)

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