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时间: 2024-09-28 21:45:04


1. The lower part of the house was flooded during the heavy rainstorm.(房子的下部在暴雨中被淹了。)

2. She reached for the book on the lower shelf.(她伸手拿起了底下的书架上的书。)

3. The lower temperature in the evening made it more comfortable to go for a walk.(傍晚的低温使得出去散步更加舒适。)

4. The lower class citizens often struggle to make ends meet.(底层公民往往挣扎着维持生计。)

5. He injured his lower back while lifting heavy boxes.(他在搬重箱子时伤到了下背部。)

6. The lower level of the building is used for parking.(建筑物的底层用于停车。)

7. The doctor advised her to avoid bending at the lower spine to prevent further injury.(医生建议她避免弯腰以防止进一步受伤。)

8. The lower branches of the tree were laden with ripe fruit.(树下的树枝上挂满了成熟的水果。)

9. The lower part of the mountain was covered in dense fog.(山脚下被浓雾所笼罩。)

10. She felt a sharp pain in her lower abdomen and went to see a doctor.(她感到下腹部剧烈疼痛,便去看了医生。)

11. The lower deck of the ship was reserved for cargo storage.(船的下层甲板用于货物储存。)

12. Lower your voice, we're in a library.(小声点,我们在图书馆。)

13. The lower drawer of the cabinet is where we keep the utensils.(橱柜的下抽屉是我们放餐具的地方。)

14. The lower cost of living in the countryside attracted many young families.(乡村较低的生活成本吸引了许多年轻家庭。)

15. The lower weight limit for this ride is 50 pounds.(这个游乐项目的最低体重限制是50磅。)

16. The lower edge of the painting was damaged during transportation.(画的下沿在运输途中受损了。)

17. She used a ladder to reach the lower branches of the tree.(她用梯子够到了树的下部树枝。)

18. The lower part of the dress was embellished with intricate lace.(裙子的下部点缀着复杂的蕾丝。)

19. The lower income group often struggles to afford basic necessities.(低收入群体常常难以负担基本生活必需品。)

20. The lower jaw of the dinosaur was discovered in the excavation site.(恐龙的下颌骨在挖掘现场被发现了。)

上一个 【英语】low的例句 文章列表 下一个 【英语】loyal的例句



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