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时间: 2024-09-22 09:29:17


1. His name is John.(他的名字是约翰。)

2. What's your name?(你叫什么名字?)

3. She couldn't remember his name.(她记不起他的名字。)

4. I need to put my name on the list.(我需要把我的名字写在名单上。)

5. Name the capital of France.(说出法国的首都。)

6. His name is synonymous with success.(他的名字代表着成功。)

7. Please state your full name.(请告诉我你的全名。)

8. She's making a name for herself in the fashion industry.(她在时尚界打下了名声。)

9. Name one thing you are grateful for.(说出你感激的一件事。)

10. I can't recall the name of the restaurant we went to last night.(我想不起昨晚我们去过的那家餐馆的名字。)

11. The company's name is well-known in the industry.(这家公司在业界名声显赫。)

12. Her name was on everyone's lips.(她的名字成了人们口中的话题。)

13. I can't believe I forgot your name.(真不敢相信我给忘了你的名字。)

14. He's trying to clear his name after the scandal.(他正在努力洗刷丑闻给他带来的耻辱。)

15. The book is written under a pen name.(这本书是用笔名写的。)

16. The new product has yet to make a name for itself in the market.(这个新产品还没有在市场上建立起自己的名声。)

17. The company decided to change its name to appeal to a younger audience.(公司决定改名以吸引年轻观众。)

18. I know him by name, but I've never actually met him.(我知道他的名字,但实际上从未见过他。)

19. The teacher called out each student's name during roll call.(老师在点名时喊出每个学生的名字。)

20. The dog's name is Max.(那只狗的名字是马克斯。)

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