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时间: 2024-09-22 04:53:20


1. The novel is written in a first-person narrative, giving readers a personal insight into the protagonist's thoughts and feelings.(这部小说以第一人称叙述写成,让读者深入了解主人公的思想和感情。)

2. The documentary presented a powerful narrative of the impact of climate change on local communities.(这部纪录片生动地叙述了气候变化对当地社区的影响。)

3. Her narrative of the accident was so vivid that it felt like I was there when it happened.(她对事故的叙述如此生动,让我感觉就好像我亲眼目睹了发生的一切。)

4. The movie's narrative structure was non-linear, jumping back and forth in time to reveal the full story.(这部电影的叙事结构是非线性的,来回穿梭时间线揭示完整的故事。)

5. The historian provided a compelling narrative of the war, drawing from various primary sources.(历史学家以多种一手资料提供了引人入胜的战争叙述。)

6. The narrative poem painted a vivid picture of the hero's journey through the mystical forest.(这首叙事诗生动地描绘了英雄穿越神秘森林的旅程。)

7. The narrative in the play was rich with symbolism and allegory, inviting the audience to interpret its deeper meanings.(这部剧中的叙事充满象征和寓言,邀请观众解读其中更深层的意义。)

8. The author used a fragmented narrative style to convey the disorienting experience of the main character.(作者运用了支离破碎的叙事风格来传达主角的困惑经历。)

9. The documentary's narrative was structured around personal interviews with survivors of the natural disaster.(这部纪录片的叙述围绕着对自然灾害幸存者的个人采访展开。)

10. The narrative of the ancient legend has been passed down through generations, preserving the cultural heritage.(古老传说的叙述已经代代相传,保留了文化遗产。)

11. Her narrative of the journey across the desert was filled with hardships and triumphs.(她对穿越沙漠旅程的叙述充满了艰辛和胜利。)

12. The novel's narrative voice shifted between different characters, offering diverse perspectives on the story.(这部小说的叙述视角在不同角色之间转换,呈现了故事的多样观点。)

13. The narrative of the historical event was presented through a series of letters exchanged between key figures.(这一历史事件的叙述是通过主要人物之间一系列书信来呈现的。)

14. The film's narrative unfolded gradually, building suspense and intrigue as the plot developed.(电影的叙事逐渐展开,随着情节的发展逐渐建立起悬念和神秘感。)

15. The narrative of the detective novel kept readers guessing until the very end.(这部侦探小说的叙述一直让读者猜测直到最后。)

16. The historian's narrative of the battle was meticulously researched and presented in great detail.(历史学家对这场战斗的叙述经过了精心的研究,并以极大的细节呈现。)

17. The documentary's narrative was interspersed with archival footage, providing a sense of historical authenticity.(这部纪录片的叙述夹杂着档案影像,给人一种历史的真实感。)

18. The narrative of the fable conveyed a moral lesson through its allegorical characters and events.(这个寓言的叙述通过其寓言性格和事件传达了一种道德教训。)

19. The memoir offered a deeply personal narrative of the author's experiences during wartime.(这本回忆录提供了作者在战争期间的深刻个人叙述。)

20. The narrative of the science fiction novel transported readers to a futuristic world filled with advanced technology and societal issues.(这部科幻小说的叙述将读者带到一个充满先进技术和社会问题的未来世界。)

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