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时间: 2024-09-20 08:11:46


1. The mirror reflected her image perfectly. (镜子完美地反射了她的影像。)

2. His actions reflect his true character. (他的行为反映了他真实的性格。)

3. The calm lake reflected the surrounding mountains. (宁静的湖水反射出周围的山峰。)

4. The company's success reflects strong leadership. (公司的成功反映了强大的领导力。)

5. Her words reflected a deep understanding of the subject. (她的话语反映了对这个主题的深刻理解。)

6. The glass building reflected the sunlight, creating a dazzling effect. (玻璃建筑反射出阳光,产生了令人眼花缭乱的效果。)

7. His behavior reflects poorly on the entire team. (他的行为给整个团队抹上了污点。)

8. The artist used the water to reflect the colors of the sunset. (艺术家利用水面反射日落的色彩。)

9. The survey results reflect a high level of satisfaction among customers. (调查结果反映了顾客的高度满意度。)

10. Her smile reflected her joy and contentment. (她的微笑反映了她的快乐和满足感。)

11. The report reflects a decline in sales for the quarter. (报告反映了本季度销售额的下降。)

12. The polished surface of the table reflected the overhead lights. (桌子上的抛光表面反射着上方的灯光。)

13. His behavior reflects a lack of respect for authority. (他的行为反映了对权威的不尊重。)

14. The book reflects the author's personal experiences. (这本书反映了作者的个人经历。)

15. The decision to expand reflects the company's confidence in the market. (扩张的决定反映了公司对市场的信心。)

16. His paintings reflect his inner turmoil and emotions. (他的画作反映了他内心的矛盾和情感。)

17. The choice of words in the speech reflects the speaker's eloquence. (演讲中的措辞反映了演讲者的雄辩才华。)

18. The new policy reflects a shift in the company's priorities. (新政策反映了公司优先事项的变化。)

19. The moon reflected in the still water of the pond. (月亮在池塘宁静的水面上反射着光芒。)

20. Her actions reflect her commitment to environmental conservation. (她的行为反映了她对环保事业的承诺。)

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