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时间: 2024-09-29 04:56:34


1. I need to unlock my phone to check my messages. (我需要解锁手机查看我的信息。)

2. She used a key to unlock the door. (她用钥匙打开了门。)

3. The detective worked hard to unlock the mystery. (侦探努力解开了谜团。)

4. Can you help me unlock this puzzle? (你能帮我解开这个谜题吗?)

5. The locksmith was able to unlock the safe. (锁匠成功打开了保险箱。)

6. He had to unlock his potential to succeed. (他必须释放自己的潜能才能成功。)

7. The scientist hoped to unlock the secrets of the universe. (科学家希望揭开宇宙的秘密。)

8. The key was used to unlock the treasure chest. (钥匙用来打开宝箱。)

9. She managed to unlock the password after several attempts. (她尝试了几次后成功解开了密码。)

10. The new software update will unlock many new features. (新的软件更新将解锁许多新功能。)

11. It took a lot of effort to unlock the door that was jammed. (花了很多力气才将卡住的门打开。)

12. He finally managed to unlock the secret to her success. (他终于成功揭开了她成功的秘密。)

13. The key turned in the lock to unlock the gate. (钥匙在锁里转动,打开了大门。)

14. The company is working to unlock new markets for its products. (公司正在努力开拓产品的新市场。)

15. She had to unlock her emotions and express how she truly felt. (她必须释放自己的情感,表达真实的感受。)

16. The scientist is trying to unlock the potential of a new discovery. (科学家正在尝试挖掘一项新发现的潜力。)

17. The key was the only way to unlock the ancient treasure chest. (钥匙是打开古老宝箱的唯一方法。)

18. The codebreaker was able to unlock the encrypted message. (密码破译者成功解开了加密信息。)

19. The therapist helped her unlock the trauma from her past. (心理治疗帮助她解开了过去的创伤。)

20. The new technology will unlock new possibilities for the future. (新技术将为未来解锁新的可能性。)

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