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时间: 2024-10-07 01:00:17


1. Accidents occur frequently on this dangerous stretch of road. (这条危险的路段经常发生事故。)

2. The meeting will occur at 3 pm tomorrow.(会议将在明天下午3点举行。)

3. Unexpected problems can occur during the construction process.(在施工过程中可能会出现意外问题。)

4. The idea occurred to me while I was taking a shower.(这个想法在我洗澡时突然想到。)

5. It didn't occur to him to bring an umbrella, so he got soaked in the rain.(他没想到带伞,所以淋了个透。)

6. The earthquake occurred in the early hours of the morning.(地震发生在清晨的早些时候。)

7. A sudden change in the weather can occur without warning.(天气的突然变化可能会毫无预警地发生。)

8. It didn't occur to me that you might need help.(我没有想到你可能需要帮助。)

9. The idea occurred to him out of the blue.(这个想法突然出现在他脑海中。)

10. The error occurred due to a technical glitch.(错误发生是由于技术故障。)

11. The thought occurred to me that I had left the stove on at home.(我突然想到我家里可能忘了关炉子。)

12. The incident occurred at the corner of Fifth and Main.(事件发生在第五大道和主要街道的拐角处。)

13. It didn't occur to her to check her email for the update.(她没想到去查看邮件中的更新。)

14. The realization occurred to him slowly over time.(他渐渐意识到这一点。)

15. The idea occurred to him while he was daydreaming in class.(这个想法在他上课做白日梦时产生。)

16. Accidents occur when people are not paying attention.(事故发生是因为人们没有注意力。)

17. The thought occurred to her that she might have left her keys at the office.(她突然想到她可能把钥匙留在办公室了。)

18. The event occurred just as we were about to leave.(事件发生在我们即将离开的时候。)

19. It didn't occur to him to call ahead and make a reservation.(他没有想到提前打电话预订。)

20. The realization occurred to her suddenly, and she knew what she had to do.(她突然意识到,并知道她必须做什么。)

上一个 【英语】security的例句 文章列表 下一个 【英语】occurrence的例句



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