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时间: 2024-10-06 23:41:48


1. She has a particular talent for playing the piano. 她特别擅长弹钢琴。

2. I'm looking for a particular book, have you seen it? 我在找一本特定的书,你见过吗?

3. He is very particular about the cleanliness of his car. 他对自己车的清洁非常讲究。

4. This particular type of flower only blooms in the spring. 这种特定类型的花只在春天开放。

5. She has a particular interest in ancient history. 她对古代历史特别感兴趣。

6. I don't have any particular preference for where we eat. 我对我们吃饭的地方没有特别的偏好。

7. This particular brand of coffee is my favorite. 这个特定品牌的咖啡是我最喜欢的。

8. The restaurant is known for its particular style of cuisine. 这家餐厅以其特有的烹饪风格而闻名。

9. She has a particular way of doing things that works for her. 她有一种特别的做事方式适合她。

10. He's very particular about the way his clothes are folded. 他对衣服叠放的方式非常讲究。

11. This particular model of car is known for its fuel efficiency. 这种特定型号的车以其燃油效率而闻名。

12. I don't have any particular plans for the weekend. 我周末没有特别的计划。

13. She has a particular knack for solving difficult puzzles. 她有一种特别的本领解决困难的谜题。

14. I'm not looking for anything in particular, just browsing. 我没有特别要找的东西,只是随便看看。

15. The artist has a particular style that sets him apart from others. 这位艺术家有一种特别的风格使他与众不同。

16. She's very particular about the ingredients she uses in her cooking. 她在烹饪中对使用的食材非常挑剔。

17. This particular shade of blue looks great on you. 这种特定的蓝色在你身上看起来很棒。

18. He's very particular about punctuality, so don't be late. 他对守时非常讲究,所以别迟到。

19. This particular type of cheese is hard to find outside of Italy. 这种特定类型的奶酪在意大利以外很难找到。

20. The teacher has a particular way of explaining complex concepts that makes them easy to understand. 这位老师有一种特别的解释复杂概念的方式,使它们容易理解。

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