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时间: 2024-09-29 02:58:28


1. The doctor checked the patient's pulse to see how fast their heart was beating. (医生检查了病人的脉搏,以了解他们的心跳速度。)

2. The sudden pulse of excitement in the crowd was palpable as the performer took the stage. (演员登台时,人群中突然涌起的兴奋情绪让人感觉到。)

3. The pulse of the music reverberated through the entire concert hall. (音乐的脉动在整个音乐厅回荡。)

4. She could feel the pulse of the city as she walked through its bustling streets. (她在热闹的街道上行走时,能感受到城市的脉动。)

5. The pulse of the ocean waves against the shore was both soothing and invigorating. (海浪拍打岸边的脉动既令人宁静又令人振奋。)

6. The pulse of innovation in the tech industry drives constant change and progress. (科技行业的创新脉动推动着不断的变革和进步。)

7. The pulse of the economy can be felt in the fluctuations of the stock market. (经济的脉动可以从股市的波动中感受到。)

8. His pulse raced as he approached the finish line of the marathon. (当他接近马拉松的终点线时,他的心跳加速。)

9. The pulse of the story kept the readers on the edge of their seats until the very end. (故事的脉动让读者一直紧张兮兮地等到了最后。)

10. The pulse of the protest could be felt in the chants and the energy of the crowd. (抗议活动的脉动可以从人群的呼喊和活力中感受到。)

11. The pulse of the market indicated a shift in consumer preferences. (市场的脉动表明了消费者偏好的变化。)

12. The pulse of the city never seemed to slow down, even late into the night. (城市的脉动似乎从未停下,即使是深夜。)

13. She felt the pulse of the music in her bones, moving to the rhythm with every fiber of her being. (她感受到音乐的脉动贯穿她的骨髓,随着音乐的节奏全身都在舞动。)

14. The pulse of the thunderstorm could be felt in the vibrations of the windows and the rumbling of the ground. (雷暴的脉动可以从窗户的震动和地面的轰鸣中感受到。)

15. The pulse of the political landscape shifted dramatically after the election results were announced. (选举结果公布后,政治格局的脉动发生了巨大变化。)

16. The pulse of anticipation in the room was almost tangible as the award winner's name was about to be announced. (当奖项得主的名字即将宣布时,房间里弥漫着一种近乎可以触摸的期待感。)

17. The pulse of the fire burned bright and hot, lighting up the night sky. (火焰的脉动明亮而炽热,照亮了夜空。)

18. The pulse of the conversation shifted as soon as the controversial topic was brought up. (一提到有争议的话题,谈话的脉动立刻发生了变化。)

19. The pulse of the dance floor matched the beat of the music, creating a mesmerizing rhythm. (舞池的脉动与音乐的节奏相契合,形成了一种迷人的节奏。)

20. The pulse of the company's growth could be seen in its expanding reach and increasing profits. (公司增长的脉动可以从其不断扩张的影响力和增加的利润中看出。)


1. 医生检查病人的脉搏,以了解他们的心跳速度。

2. 演员登台时,人群中突然涌起的兴奋情绪让人感觉到。

3. 音乐的脉动在整个音乐厅回荡。

4. 她在热闹的街道上行走时,能感受到城市的脉动。

5. 海浪拍打岸边的脉动既令人宁静又令人振奋。

6. 科技行业的创新脉动推动着不断的变革和进步。

7. 经济的脉动可以从股市的波动中感受到。

8. 当他接近马拉松的终点线时,他的心跳加速。

9. 故事的脉动让读者一直紧张兮兮地等到了最后。

10. 抗议活动的脉动可以从人群的呼喊和活力中感受到。

11. 市场的脉动表明了消费者偏好的变化。

12. 城市的脉动似乎从未停下,即使是深夜。

13. 她感受到音乐的脉动贯穿她的骨髓,随着音乐的节奏全身都在舞动。

14. 雷暴的脉动可以从窗户的震动和地面的轰鸣中感受到。

15. 选举结果公布后,政治格局的脉动发生了巨大变化。

16. 当奖项得主的名字即将宣布时,房间里弥漫着一种近乎可以触摸的期待感。

17. 火焰的脉动明亮而炽热,照亮了夜空。

18. 一提到有争议的话题,谈话的脉动立刻发生了变化。

19. 舞池的脉动与音乐的节奏相契合,形成了一种迷人的节奏。

20. 公司增长的脉动可以从其不断扩张的影响力和增加的利润中看出。

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